Jerry Chesser is Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest in this film about his rise to fame as a Confederate cavalry commander during the Civil War.
When he’s young, Forrest falls for the pretty niece of a reverend who disapproves of any sort of romance between the two.
But a swamp witch known as Mama Thorn predicts he’ll become a successful businessman and, eventually, a leader of men in battle.
Forrest gets his girl and enjoys success as a businessman. But the Civil War threatens that success. So Forrest and his son head to Tennessee to enlist in the Confederate Army.
Forrest enlists as a private, but his skills as a horseman and as a born leader earn him quick promotions and he eventually becomes a general.
And his cavalry becomes a thorn in the side to the Union Army, particularly at the Battle of Brices Cross Roads where he defeats a Union Army twice the size of his own.
Z grade acting, laughable dialogue and the bizarre repeated appearance of a swamp witch add up to a Civil War film with no redeeming qualities.
Then there’s Nikolas Warenzak, who plays young Forrest in a performance so dreadful it might prompt you to stop the movie before the “star” of this mess ever appears on camera.
That leaves the politics of the movie as it’s most interesting feature. The DVD cover promises “The true story of America’s most infamous Confederate general.” It’s based on the book: “A Rebel Born: A Defense of Nathan Bedford Forrest.”
So we see a scene where Bedford announces to his blacks that he’s getting out of the slave business and encourages them to join his cavalry.
Fort Pillow? The scene of a massacre of black troops who had already surrendered to Forrest’s forces? Ah, that’s no where in the movie.
Post-war, Forrest reportedly became the first Grand Wizard of the KKK. In this film, he’s portrayed as being duped into joining the group, believing it’s an organization designed to help veterans “of all races.” He’s even seen proposing a black chapter be formed in Nashville.
Then a former slave named Apollo alerts him to the group’s true nature. Puzzled, Bedford visits the swamp witch. She convinces him the KKK isn’t a group he wants to be part of.
And so goes the true story of Nathan Bedford Forrest. Oh, my.

Melvin Stewart as Apollo, a slave listening to Forrest’s plan to end his slave business in A Rebel Born (2019)
Directed by:
Christopher Forbes
Jerry Chesser … Gen. Nathan Bedford Forrest
Nikolas Warenzak … Forrest at 18
Jezibell Anat … Mama Thorn
Melvin Stewart … Apollo
Tonya Browder Guy … Mary Ann Forrest
Avery Lewis … Mary Ann Montgomery
Kelly Forbes … Abigail
William Wylie … Gen. Samuel Cooper
Stan Fink … Senator Haynes
Mark Pittman … Williams
Will Adams … Johnny
Joseph Zuchowski … U.S. Col. Abel Streight
Caleb Stewart … Ben
Jermaine Mikell … Odysseus
Runtime: 82 min.

Joseph Zuchowski as U.S. Col. Abel Streight, tricked into surrendering to an outnumbered foe in A Rebel Born (2019)

William Wylie as Gen. Samuel Cooper, defending Gen. Forrest in the face of opposition in A Rebel Born (2019)
Memorable lines:
Mama Thorn: “I just follow the ways of the earth.”
Young Nathan Bedford Forrest: “Ways of the earth? What the hell does that mean?”
Mama Thorn: “Ways of the earth says we’ve all got gifts. And we should use these gifts to help each other. Ways of men say some men are better than others because of the color of their hide. Or that men are better than women. That ain’t right at all. And that’s why everybody is so damn miserable. So I follow the ways of the earth.”
Mama Thorn to young Forrest: “Once in a great while, there will be this comet that just comes flashing across the sky, brighter than all of them, making its own path. You are that comet, boy.”
Recruiter to Forrest’s son Willie: “You interested in becoming a Confederate soldier, lad?”
Willie: “I just want to hunt federals with my pa. I hear those Yankees are ugly and smell like a stable. I hear they consort with Satan.”
Recruiter: “Well, you are absolutely correct, son. I have seen it myself.”

Will Adams as Johnny, the man who convinces former Gen. Forrest to become a KKK leader in A Rebel Born (2019)

Avery Lewis is Mary Ann Montgomery, the young woman who captures young Forrest’s interest in A Rebel Born (2019)
I really appreciate your tear down of this god awful calamity that someone funded. That’s what I want to know….where did they get those sweet costumes? The equipment? The props? They apparently blew their wad on those things and had nary a confederate penny left to pay an actor.
I always love seeing fat confederates in movies… Cracks me up….those poor bastards were literally starving…..but watch civil war movies and lo and behold, fat confederates a plenty.
Z grade acting is a perfect description of this civil war pillow talk massacre. Where do they find these people? Trump rallies???