Jessica Y. Martin is Regina Silva, the lone survivor of a brutal attack on her family on the night of her father’s birthday.
Now taught the art of the gun, she’s roaming the countryside, looking for vengeance.
Sandy Penny is Victoria Bonham, the owner of Victoria’s Billiards, a “sporting house” in a Western town run by rich rancher. Someone has just shot and killed one of her girls.
And based on the spur she finds in the dead woman’s bed, she thinks that someone is Pete Chalmers.
She also suspects the sheriff will be reluctant to bring him to justice because he’s the son of the man who controls the town.
Those suspicions prove correct.
In fact, she and her girls might have to arm themselves to survive Mr. Chalmers’ efforts to cover up his son’s crimes.
But there’s a new whore in town. One as deadly with a six-gun as any man around.
And one who recognizes the spur a killer left behind.

Sandy Penny as Victoria Bonham, finding a key piece of evidence in the death of a whore named Becky in Badland Doves (2021)

Jessica V. Martin as Regina Silva, assuring Victoria she knows her way around a whorehouse in Badland Doves (2021)
The DVD cover might conjure up memories of 1994’s “Bad Girls.” Don’t let it. You’ll be quite disappointed.
Oh, Jessica Y. Martin and Sandy Penny attack their roles with gusto. But even they can’t muster enough gusto to rescue this low-budget affair.
Problems include poorly-staged action scenes. And cinematography that constantly backlights the main characters and makes some of the night scenes unwatchable.
But the biggest drawbacks are a complete lack of pizzazz and one of the most lame group of villains ever assembled for a Western.
No wonder the gals at Victoria’s sporting house don’t exactly quake in their boots — or their high heels — when these guys come calling.

Manny Greenfield as Mr. Chalmers, ready to do anything to protect his son Pete in Badland Doves (2021)
Directed by:
Paul Winters
Jessica V. Martin … Regina Silva
Sandy Penny … Victoria Bonham
Michelle Nuquay … Cora Washington
Sean Dillingham … Virgil Clark
Elisabeth Selby … Ekta
Alaina Laethem … Addie Dane
Harley Queen … Sarah Bonham
Manny Greenfield … Mr. Chalmers
Daniel Johnston … Pete Chalmers
Richard O. Ryan … Henry Madsen
Phil Staley … Sheriff Ben Rudubaugh
Mark Speno … Marshal Fred Howard
Sean Dillingham … Virgil Clark
Jimmy Cochran … Johnny Brown
John Schile … Clarence (the barber)
Runtime: 83 min.

Sarah Bonham (Harley Queen), Addie Dane (Alaina Laethem) and Ekta (Elisabeth Selby) review plans for the defense of Victoria’s place in Badland Doves (2021)
Memorable lines:
Sheriff, presented with a spur found in the bedsheets of a slain girl: “That could have been left there anytime. Not just the other night?”
Victoria: “Really? She wouldn’t have noticed a spur in her bedsheets?”
Regina Silva, just arriving in town: “Saloon?”
Barber: “Jack’s. But it’s not a place for a lady.”
Regina: “I assure you, I’m not a lady.”
Victoria, as Regina interviews for a job in her “sporting house”: “Are you as good at this as you are with your gun?”
Regina: “Better.”
Victoria: “The house takes 60. Just don’t shoot the customers.”

Harley Queen as Sarah Bonham, Victoria’s daughter, kidnapped by Chalmer’s men in Badland Doves (2021)
Victoria, of Pete: “Wouldn’t it be better if you saw him hang?”
Regina: “I don’t know. It might be more satisfying to shoot him.”
Pete Chalmers: “Aren’t you afraid I’m gonna bash you in the head (with the chains he’s wearing) in the middle of the night?”
Marshal Fred Howard: “Not really.”
Pete: “Well, maybe you should.”
The marshal: “I’ve been doing this kind of work a long time, son. Longer than you’ve been breathing on God’s green earth. And I’ve dealt with worse killers than you could ever imagine. Really bad men. Men that I would not shut my eyes for even an instant. Well, you’re a killer alright. A killer of women. When I look in your eyes, I see fear looking back. So for you, I could nap all day and not even worry a lick. Now shut up and go to sleep.”

Richard O. Ryan as Henry Madsen, Mr. Chalmers enforcer, threatening Victoria in Badland Doves (2021)

Mark Speno as Marshal Fred Howard, determined to take Pete Chalmers in on a murder warrant in Badland Doves (2021)

Phil Staley as Sheriff Ben Rudubaugh, a sheriff afraid to buck town boss Chalmers in Badland Doves (2021)

Sandy Penny as Victoria Bonham and Jessica V. Martin as Regina Silva discuss justice and vengeance in Badland Doves (2021)
The worst one ever.u can’t imagine hiw worst it is?
Wanna waste your time?watch this.
It damages the fame of Western as well as Hollywood movies.
Think what i said.