Gene Tierney is Belle Shirey, a Southern lady defiant in spite of the South’s defeat in the Civil War.
So defiant that she invites Rebel guerilla Sam Starr to dinner with a Union major (Dana Andrews), then gives him refuge when he’s wounded.
As a result, her brother is arrested and her mansion burned. So she breaks them out of jail and rides off with Sam, eventually marrying him.
Together, they dream of keeping the Southern hope alive. But all sorts of drifters and crooks join Starr’s gang.
Soon, Belle begins to worry that many of the men are fighting to line their own pockets, not to preserve the South.
When her brother is gunned down by one of Sam’s men, Belle breaks with her husband.
But trouble still looms. The Union is planning an ambush for Sam Starr and his men.
Belle Starr’s maiden name was Shirey. And she lived in Missouri for at least part of the Civil War. That about does it for historical accuracy here.
But combine a spirited performances by the lovely Tierney with the laid-back charm of Randolph Scott, and this makes for an entertaining romp through a fanciful tale of how Belle became “a legend.”
And since none of the ruthlessness is actually placed at the feet of Scott’s Sam Starr — he’s more the lovable rouge — this is also one of those Westerns designed to make you root for the “bad guy.”
Directed by:
Irving Cummings
Randolph Scott … Sam Starr
Gene Tierney … Belle Shirley / Belle Starr
Dana Andrews … Maj. Thomas Crail
John Sheppard … Ed Shirley
Elizabeth Patteson … Sarah
Chill Wills … Blue Duck
Louise Beavers … Mammy Lou
Olin Howland … Jasper Trench
Paul E. Burns … Sergeant
Joe Sawyer … John Cole
Joe Downing … Jim Cole
Howard Hickman .. Col. Thornton
Charles Towbridge … Col. Bright
James Flavin … Sergeant
Charles Middleton … Carpetbagger
Runtime: 87 min.

Chill Wills as Blue Duck, Gene Tierney as Belle and Louise Beavers as Mammy Lou after the burning of the mansion in Belle Starr (1941)
Memorable lines:
Sam Starr: “I like doing fool things. Don’t you?”
Mammylou: “Don’t pay no attention, Ms. Belle. He’s crazy as a bedbug.”
Belle: “Mammylou, why do things like this always happen to me?”
Mammylou: “Because you’re so full of the devil. That’s why.”
Sam Starr, as he’s taken captive with buckshot in his backside: “Hope you’ve got an extra saddle blanket. You Yanks don’t care where you shoot a man.”
Hey there, very good job, Giovanni from Italy, April 20 2020.
Hey there, very accurate passioned job, Giovanni from Italy, April 20 2020.