James Stewart is Glyn McLyntock, a former Missouri raider trying to outrun his reputation. He’s taken a job guiding a wagon train of farmers West and, in the process, saves the life of Emerson Cole (Arthur Kennedy), another fast gun with a dubious past, whose been accused of horse stealing.
The settlers reach their destination, but with winter setting in, the supplies they’ve purchased to get them through their first winter are no where in sight.
McLyntock and Jeremy Baile, the leader of the settlers, travel to town to find out what happened. Turns out there’s been a gold strike, the cost of supplies has gone sky high, and the man who made the sale (Howard Petrie as Tom Hendricks) would now like to sell the supplies to someone else for 10 times the price.
Stewart makes off with the goods with Hendricks and his men in pursuit. No sooner has Stewart solved the problem with Hendricks than several new ones arise — the men he’s hired to haul the supplies to the settlers are on the verge of mutiny; the miners from the nearby camp have their eyes on the goods; and Emerson Cole finds the money to be made from stealing and selling those same supplies too enticing to pass up.

James Stewart as Glyn McLyntock, a former gunman hoping for a fresh start as a farmer in Bend of the River (1952)

Arthur Kennedy as Emerson Cole, the man Glyn McLyntock saves from hanging in Bend of the River (1952)
Satisfying Stewart Western thanks to a plot that’s a bit different than normal and shaky allegiances that shift as the trek from Portland to the homesteads proceeds.
Jeremy Baile, leader of the wagon train, doesn’t believe men can change and, for that reason, never trusts Emerson Cole. What he doesn’t know is that Glyn McLyntock also has a tawdry past.
Julie Adams and Lori Nelson play Baile’s daughters. Julie’s character falls for Cole and contemplates giving up farming for the more exciting life Portland offers; Lori’s takes one look at handsome gambler Trey Wilson (Rock Hudson) and falls for him.

Julie Adams as Laura Baile, the woman McLyntock has to leave behind in Portland in Bend of the River (1952)
Directed by:
Anthony Mann
James Stewart … Glyn McLyntock
Arthur Kennedy … Emerson Cole
Julie Adams … Laura Baile
Rock Hudson … Trey Wilson
Lori Nelson … Marjie Baile
Jay C. Flippen … Jeremy Baile
Howard Petrie … Tom Hendricks
Chubby Johnson … Capt. Mello
Stepin Fetchit … Adam
Harry Morgan … Shorty
Frances Bavier … Mrs. Prentiss
Jack Lambert … Red
Royal Dano … Long Tom
Runtime: 91 min.

Harry Morgan as Shorty, Royal Dano as Long Tom and Jack Lambert as Red, three men hired to help escort supplies to the farmers in Bend of the River (1952)
Memorable lines:
Emerson Cole: “McLyntock of the border, a rancher? I don’t get it. Who you running away from?”
Glyn McLyntock: “A man by the name of Glyn McLyntock.”
Cole: “But what happens when he catches up with you.”
McLyntock: “I don’t think he’s going to catch up with me. I think he died on the Missouri border.”
Cole: “You’re wrong. He’ll catch up with you. One of these days.”
Glyn McLyntock, as Trey Wilson (Rock Hudson) walks past: “Right handsome fella, isn’t he?”
Marjie Baile: “I’ve seen handsomer.”
McLyntock: “Like me, for instance?”
Marjie: “Oh, you’re very handsome. In an elderly sort of way.”
Jeremy Baile: “When an apple’s rotten, there’s nothing you can do but throw it away. Or it will spoil the whole barrel.”
Glyn McLyntock: “Well, there’s a difference between apples and men.”

Jay C. Flippen as Jeremy Baile and Julie Adams as Laura Baile, sensing sounds of hope in Bend of the River (1952)

Howard Petrie as Tom Hendricks, the man who sells McLyntock supplies, then backs out on the deal in Bend of the River (1952)

Chubby Johnson as Captain Mello, steamboat commander and part-time doctor in Bend of the River (1952)
Other than The Naked Spur this is the Mann-Stewart Western i always return to.The dynamics between Kennedy and Stewart are fabulous in this film which is quite atmospheric.A terrific example of the best of the genre.