John Monastero is Dr. William York, practicing in Independence, Kansas in the 1870s, a peculiar man with no interest in remarrying after losing his wife in childbirth.
When one of his female patients dies, the husband decides to head farther West along with Osage Trail with his young daughter in tow, in spite of the dangers and a string of mysterious disappearances.
Soon after, Dr. York finds a letter from the man’s mother expressing those same concerns. So he sets out to check on their safety.
Along his journey, he stumbles upon a sign offering “grocry” and, needing feed for his horse, decides to stop.
He meets a middle-aged woman with a welcoming smile, her brute of a husband, a mute young boy and a pretty young woman who claims to have mystical healing powers.
The doctor is never seen again.
His brother (also played by Monastero) sets out to find William. But others are becoming alarmed too.
Too many travelers have been disappearing without a trace in these here parts.

John Monastero as Dr. William York, visiting with one of his patients in Independence in Bender (2016)
Based on the true story of the Bloody Benders, a family responsible for at least 12 murders and perhaps in excess of 20.
The small budget shows. There clearly wasn’t money for extras to populate the town of Independence, for example.
But if you don’t mind your horror a bit slow paced, this is a relatively effective little film with Nicole Jellen turning in the best performance as Kate Bender.
For those wondering, yep, that’s the same Linda Purl from the Young Pioneer films (1976), but she has just a small role as one of the doctor’s patients.
The same is true of top-bill Bruce Davison and Western vet Buck Taylor. They are not main characters in this strange tale.
And some of the facts have been changed. The real Dr. York was very much married. And the younger male living with the Benders was a grown man, either Kate’s common-law husband or her brother.
Directed by:
John Alexander
Bruce Davison … Mayor Prentiss
Linda Purl .. Mr. Thomas
James Karen … Old Man Bender
Buck Taylor … Sheriff J.E. Stone
John Monastero … Dr. William York / Edwin York
Nicole Jellen … Kate Bender
Reylynn Caster … Little girl
Leslie Woodies … Old Woman Bender
Grace McKeaney … Goat lady
Chance Caeden … Boy
Runtime: 80 min.
The Family
“To Die For” by Rudy Love
Memorable lines:
Old woman Bender to Dr. York: “Bad things happen on the Osage. Bandits steal the fat wallets of travelers. Men who wander off the trail are never found. Why I’ve heard of nine disappearances already this year.”
Kate Bender: “The body holds many secrets hidden beneath the skin. They seem mysterious. But they can be unearthed by the right person.”
Kate Bender; “While others can see just to the horizon, I can see just beyond. No place is out of my sight. No soul is out of my reach.”
Edwin York: “What is your family name?”
Kate: “Bender.”
Edwin: “Bender? That name is unusual. Sounds like a force of nature.”
Kate: “Oh, we are.”

Linda Purl as Mrs. Thomas, one of Dr. York’s patients, talking about the strange disappearances in Bender (2016)

Bruce Davidson as Mayor Prentiss, urging Cherryvale residents to pull together to solve the disappearances in Bender (2016)