Johnny Norris is Ace Dalton, leader of a gang of ruffians passing their time in the Blackwater saloon.
When aging Sheriff Gill Sandersson (John Regan) and young Deputy Nigel Saint stop by, Dalton’s surprised to discover they’re the only law in Blackwater.
So he sets about taking over the town, lynching the deputy in front of the townsfolk as a warning about who’s in charge.
The sheriff? He’s beaten and thrown in his own jail. He isn’t killed because there’s a rumor that he has gold hidden somewhere in the hills outside of town.
Ace Dalton, of course, wants to know its location.
Meanwhile, Daphne Sanderson (Vanessa Joy Bristow) gets word about trouble in town.
She and new acquaintence Balthazar Delacroix (Justin Harreman) rush in that direction, land in trouble and are rescued by bounty hunter Benjamin Billings (Nigel Riley).
Billing has been on the trail of Ace Dalton for a while. And he’s more than happy to help the good folks of Blackwater. Just as long as he gets his man.

Johnny Norris as Ace Dalton, making his presence known and keeping his gang in line in Blackwater (2019)

Vanessa Joy Bristow as Daphne Sanderson, daughter of the sheriff, halted on her way to town in Blackwater (2019)
A noble effort by an Australian film-making crew to make an American Western, a project that took two and a half years to complete and started with a $2,000 Kickstarter campaign.
And the interior scenes are impressive considering those in the saloon, jail and Daphne’s ranch house were filmed against a green screen, with the computer generated surroundings added later.
Unfortunately, all of that doesn’t add up to a great, or even very satisfactory Western.
The script is too shallow to make you care what happens to the characters. And the rest of the cast has trouble matching the intensity and charisma Johnny Norris brings to the lead role.
The role of the aging sheriff fell to John Regan, leader of the 1960s country band John Regan and the Tumbleweeds. He remained involved in acting and music until his death in April 2021 at age 84.
Enrico Fabio Cortese provides a nice score, but the soundtrack doesn’t appear to be available.
Directed by:
Iain Fulton
Johnny Norris … Ace Dalton
John Regan … Sheriff Gill Sanderson
Vanessa Joy Bristow … Daphne Sanderson
Justin Harreman … Balthazar Delacroix
Graham K. Furness … Rev. Pat Flannigan
Nigel Riley … Benjamin Billings
Jesse Aquiningo … Dutch Dalton
Ric Carlsson … Chester Greene
Daniel James … One-Eyed Jack
Chris Turner … Deputy Nigel Saint
Asabi E. Goodman … Betty
Timothy Quinlan … Leon
Jason Muller … Diamond Steve
Runtime: 64 min.

Chris Turner as Deputy Nigel Saint, expressing concerns over the strangers in town in Blackwater (2019)
Memorable lines:
Ace Dalton, after lynching the deputy: “What’s the matter, preacher man? Never seen a gutless dog hanging from a tree before?”
Benjamin Billings, as a shootout begins in the church: “Somebody get the mortician. Looks like I’ve got him a few fresh customers.”
Daphne Sander: “I’m so glad you’re okay, daddy.”
Sheriff Sanderson: “Take more than a pack of coyotes to keep me down, darling.”

Graham K. Furness as the Rev. Pat Flannigan, confronting Ace Dalton about a lynching in Blackwater (2019)

Justin Harreman as Balthazar Delacroix, the southern gentleman who helps defend the town in Blackwater (2019)

Johnny Norris as Ace Dalton, bullying the sheriff for information about hidden gold in Blackwater (2019)