Anthony Dexter plays Capt. John Smith, a man struggling to hold the settlement at Jamestown, Virginia, together in the face of hunger and Indian attacks in 1607.
He organizes a unique defense to repel one such attack, but furthur depletes the colony’s food supply in the process.
So accompanied by allies John Rolfe (Robert Clarke) and Charles Fleming (Alan Hale Jr.) he sets out to make peace with the Indians.
On the journey, he meets a bathing beauty of an Indian girl and learns she’s Pocahontas, daughter of the chief with whom he hopes to parlay.
Later, she’ll intervene to save his life, even though she realizes her tribe’s custom will then require her to become John Smith’s wife.
And so Pocahontas also becomes a crucial link between the native American and the white settlers, helping ensure peace between her people and Smith’s.
But back at the settlement, a nobleman named Wingfield is plotting to destroy that peace.
His motivation is the discovery of gold, gold he can only claim for himself if the settlement at Jamestown is abandoned.

Anthony Dexter as John Smith, spotting a trio of Indian maidens bathing in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)

Jody Lawrance as Pocahontas, intervening to save John Smith’s life in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)
In the opening credits, the words “A Legend” appear on screen immediately after the film’s title. Perhaps the filmmakers were aware their movie shouldn’t be used as a history lesson.
More problematic than the historical distortions is a script filled with purple prose and a wooden, egotistical and unsympathetic performance by Anthony Dexter in the lead role.
His attitude toward Pocahontas — he refers to her as “a queer little thing” at one point — and the film’s depiction of native Americans is likely to make 21st Century viewers squirm a bit.
Robert Clarke is much more believable as Smith’s friend John Rolfe, who finds himself growing increasingly fond of Pocahontas though he knows he shouldn’t.
As for Jody Lawrance as Pocahontas, the blue-eyed actress apparently suffered a severe allergic reaction when her lighter hair was dyed black for this role. Her last film role came in a Western, 1962’s “Stagecoach to Dancer’s Rock.”

Robert Clarke as John Rolfe, fretting over the food supply and Pocahontas in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)

James Seay as Wingfield, a troublemaker reacting when his stash is discovered in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)
Directed by:
Lew Landers
Anthony Dexter … Capt. John Smith
Jody Lawrance … Pocahontas
Robert Clarke … Rolfe
Alan Hale Jr. … Fleming
Stuart Randall … Opechanco
James Seay … Wingfield
Philip Van Zandt … Davis
Shepard Menken … Nantaquas
Douglas Drumbrille … Chief Powhatan
Anthony Eustrel … King James
Henry Rowland … Turnbull
Eric Clmar … Kemp
Runtime: 75 min.

Stuart Randall as Opechanco, who wants war with the whites and Pocahontas for his own in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)

Shepard Menken as Nantaquas, Pocahontas’s brother, also sympathetic toward the settlers in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)
Memorable lines:
Wingfield, engaged in a dispute over who should give orders in Jamestown: “I’m a gentleman, born to higher rank than any here.”
John Smith: “That is only of concern to you and your mother. Not me.”
Rolfe: “As for me, I look into a man’s heart. Not whether or not he was born between silken sheets.”
Charles Fleming, on a dangerous mission lying ahead: “My father said I’d live to be hung. So why should I fear an Indian arrow?”
John Smith, coming upon three Indian maidens swimming: “I had heard that the fishing was good in Virginia waters. But who would have expected fish such as these?”
Chief Powhatan, having cut John Smith’s shirt open to reveal the armor he’s wearing: “Now I have stripped you of your magic. It will make a good cooking pot for my women.”

Alan Hale Jr. as Charles Fleming, speaking in defense of John Smith in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)

Douglas Drumbrille as Chief Powhatan, reluctantly agreeing to a marriage between Pocahontas and John Smith in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)
John Smith of Pocahontas: “I thought this wild thing most lovely.”
Opechanco: “All white skins are serpents with forked tongues and poisoned fangs.”
Chief Powhaten: “I do not smile upon this marriage. But my daughter, Pocahontas, tells me it will make her heart blossom.”
John Smith: “Women! What’s bothering the queer little creature now?”
Rothe: “You know perfectly well.”
Smith: “Yes, I suppose I do. But I can’t let her fall in love with me. I ,a roving adventurer; she, an Indian princess. What would life be for her? A few months of happiness and a lifetime of regrets.”
John Smith to Rolfe: “You scratch at your worries like a dog at his fleas. What is it now?”

Jody Lawrance as Pocahontas, unimpressed by the beads John Smith is offering her in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)

Anthony Dexter as John Smith (right), awaiting an Indian attack in Jamestown in Captain John Smith and Pocahontas (1953)