Tomas Milian plays an outlaw, double-crossed, shot and left for dead with his fellow Mexicans after they’ve helped a white man named Oaks and his allies steal a gold shipment from the U.S. cavalary.
Only he isn’t dead. With the help of two grave robbers, he makes it to a nearby town, where most of Oaks’ gang have been brutally killed.
Django (he’s never called that in the film) finishes the job, filling Oaks with golden bullets that the doctor and townsfolk eagerly dig out of his body.
But the real prize is that gold shipment.
Two townsmen — Alderman and Bill Templer — end up with it.
A rancher known as Mr. Sorrow wants it, and has an entire band of black-clad, homosexual gunmen ready to enforce his will.

Tomas Milian as The Stranger in Django Kill (1967)

Piero Lulli as Oaks in Django Kill (1967)
One of the more bizarre Spaghetti Westerns you’ll run across.
Templer’s young son Evan shreds the clothes that belong to his father’s love at one point. Later, after being kidnapped by Mr. Sorrow, he’s presumably gang-raped, then commits suicide.
One of the grave robbers is scalped alive. Oaks’ men are hung in the town square, their bodies bruised and bloodied, as a warning to other strangers.
And we won’t spoil the surprise of what happens to Alderman near the end of the film after his home catches fire.
Shame Questi didn’t spend as much time trying to entertain us as shock us. The film might have worked better considering he had a talented cast at his disposal.

Roberto Camardiel as Mr. Sorrow in Django Kill (1967)

Paco Sanz as Alderman in Django Kill (1967)
Directed by:
Giulio Questi
Tomas Milian … The Stranger
Robert Camardiel … Mr. Sorrow
Milo Quesada … Bill Templer
Ray Lovelock … Evan Templer
Marilu Tolo … Lori
Piero Lulli … Oaks
Paco Sanz … Alderman
Patrizia Valturri … Elizabeth Alderman
Sanchio Gracia … Wily
Se sei vivo spara
Django Kill … if You Live, Shoot!
Gringo uccidi!
Oro hondo
Score: Ivan Vandor
Runtime: 100 min.

Patrizia Valturri as Elizabeth Alderman in Django Kill (1967)

Marilu Tolo as Lori and Milo Quesada as Bill Templer in Django Kill (1967)
Memorable lines:
Oaks to The Stranger: “I’ve had to put up with the stink of your skins. I don’t share my gold with no motherless Mexicans.”
Mr. Sorrow, to doctor: “Pancho, you idiot. You didn’t have to kill him, did you?”
Pancho: “I’m sorry, sir. All my life I’ve searched for gold, and this man is full of it.”

Ray Lovelock as Evan Templer in Django Kill (1967)

Tomas Milian as The Stranger, about to be double-crossed in Django Kill (1967)
One of many Westerns retitled to capitalize on the popularity of the Django character. Tomas Milian is never referred to by that name in the film.
This marked the first speaking role for Ray Lovelock, who went on to a long career in acting and often sang the title song of the films in which he appeared.
We never learn the name of the town where the film takes place. But on the way there, one of the grave robbers tells The Stranger it’s known as “The Unhappy Place.” For good reason, it turns out.

Roberto Camardiel as Mr. Sorrow, enforcing his will in Django Kill (1967)

Patrizia Valturri as Elizabeth Alderman with The Stranger (Tomas Milian) in Django Kill (1967)