The year is 1864. Ulysses S. Grant has taken control of the Union Army and wants control of the Shenandoah Valley. He orders Maj. Gen. Franz Sigel to take it with a force of 10,000 men.
Standing in his way: Confederate Gen. John C. Breckinridge, with a small Rebel army that includes about 250 cadets from the Virginia Military Institute.
Meant to serve only as reserves, they are forced into action when a gap forms in the middle of the Southern battle line and wind up helping the Confederates win the battle.
This film focuses on the cadets, specifically seven friends. They include Sam Atwill, who falls for a pretty young girl just before being pressed into action, and John Wise, son of the former governor of Virginia, who opposes slavery.
The other members of the group include Garland Jefferson, son of a plantation owner; Moses Ezekial, who hopes to one day become a sculptor; Benjamin Colonna, whose home has been destroyed by Union troops; Jack Stanard and Robert, the youngest of the bunch.
All seven march off to participate in the Battle of New Market on May 15, 1864. Only four will survive the struggle ahead.
And while Gen Breckinridge repeatedly orders his subordinates to keep them out of the action, he winds up partly attributing the Southern victory to an unordered charge they lead.

Max Lloyd-Jones as Sam Atwill, the cadet who falls in love just as he’s ordered to march off to war in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Luke Benward as John Wise, son of a former Virginia governor, meeting John Breckinridge on the eve of the battle in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)
A well-done tribute to the VMI cadets who fought for the Confederacy, helped immensely by battle sequences that seem more real and less re-enactment than many lower budget Civil War films.
And while top billing goes to the older members of the cast — David Arquette, Tom Skerritt (as Grant) and Jason Isaacs (as Breckinridge) — it’s the believable performances of our seven young heroes that make the film work.
That said, the film goes out of its way to apologize for the fact that our seven heroes were fighting to protect slavery.
Much attention is given to the fact that John Wise is anti-slavery. At another point, the youngsters save a black cook from hanging and break ranks to rescue a black woman trapped under a broken wagon when no one else will.
VMI still pays tribute every year to the soldiers who fought at New Market and the 10 cadets who died there. A monument — Virginia Honoring Her Dead — stands there, sculpted by none other than Moses Ezekial.

Nolan Gould as Robert, nicknamed ‘Sir Rat’, fearing punishment upon arriving at VMI in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Josh Zuckerman as Moses Ezekial, an aspiring artist among the VMI cadets who march off to fight in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)
Directed by:
Sean McNamara
Luke Benward … John Wise
Max Lloyd-Jones … Sam Atwill
Parker Croft … Garland Jefferson
Josh Zuckerman … Moses Ezekiel
Sean Marquette … Benjamin “Duck” Colonna
Zach Roerig … Jack Stanard
Nolan Gould … Robert / Sir Rat
Jason Isaacs … John C. Breckinridge
David Arquette … Captain Henry A. DuPontm
Keith David … Old Judge
Mary Mouser … Libby Clinedinst
Lauren Holly … Mrs. Clinedinst
Tom Skerritt … Ulysses S. Grant
Gale Harold … Maj. Charles Semple
Courtney Gaines … Capt. Chinook
Werner Daehn … Gen. Franz Sigel
Runtime: 96 min.
Runtime: 93 min.

Sean Marquette as Benjamin ‘Duck’ Colonna, eager to get revenge against the Yankees in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Parker Croft as Garland Jefferson, a descendent of Thomas Jefferson and one of the VMI cadets who march off to war in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)
Memorable lines:
Capt. DuPont: “Sir, if we do not reach New Market gap before Breckinridge gathers his troops, it will be too late.”
General Franz Sigel: “If I advance before I am comfortable, it will be too early. And early comes before late.”
Libby Clinedinst, when Sam Atwill has trouble holding a conversation with her: “Are you counting on an uncontrollable attraction to the uniform?”
Sam Atwill: “Wouldn’t help. You’d soon find out I’m not much of a soldier.”
Jack Stanard: “I’m worried about you, John. If you don’t believe in what you’re fighting for, you won’t make it out of this valley … The South’s way of life has depended on slaves for over 200 years. You rip it to pieces all at once, and you destroy the rest of us.”
John Wise: “We should not be fighting to keep people in chains … If God grants us victory, we must change.”
Jack: “Keep your thoughts to yourself, John. The others, they may doubt your resolves.”
John: “They would be fools if they did.”
Gen. Breckinridge, to the cadets: “Do not let anger ruin your lives. This war, will end, I swear to you. And you boys, you are the future of this country.”

Zach Roerig as Jack Stanard, listening to Gen. Breckinridge on the eve of the battle in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Mary Mouser as Libby Clinedinst, the young lady who turns the head of Sam Atwill in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Gale Harold as Maj. Charles Semple, encouraging Gen John C. Breckinridge (Jason Isaacs) to plug a hole in the Southern battle line in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Courtney Gaines as Capt. Chinook leading the Virginia Military Institute cadets into battle in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Tom Skerritt as Ulysses S. Grant, explaining why he needs Capt. DuPont to accompany Gen. Franz Sigel on a military mission in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

David Arquette as Capt. Henry DuPont (front right), expressing the need for reinforcements in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)

Keith David as old Judge, a baker who swaps bread for meat with the VMI cadets in Field of Lost Shoes (2015)