When an Apache named Santos shows up for a peace talk, Maj. Wharton has his men gun down the chief and all the Indians with him.
Capt. Tom “Tomahawk” Thompson (Ben Johnson) disapproves of the treachery, knowing Victorio will strike out against any and all whites in the area.
His next assignment is to fetch his commanding officer’s disgruntled wife Alison (Jan Harrison) back to Fort Bowie. She hates the frontier life; she resents her husband for making her endure it. And she flirts shamelessly with Thompson.
Sure enough, the Apaches attack, but Thompson’s detail makes it back to the fort safely.
Except in a fit of rage, Alison tells her husband Thompson made love to her. Looking for a way to settle the Apache problem and get rid of Thompson, her husband (Kent Taylor as Col. James Garrett) sends him off on a suicide mission — he’s to talk Victorio into surrendering while two other commanders, Wharton included, take to the field looking to attack the Indians.
Thompson survives again. But will those left behind in an undermanned fort?

Ben Johnson as Capt. Tom ‘Tomahawk’ Thompson, being handed what sounds like a suicide mission in Fort Bowie (1958)

Kent Talor as Col. James Garrett, learning he might not be able to trust his best officer around his wife in Fort Bowie (1958)
Better than one would expect from a B-grade Western, largely due to the flirtatious and conniving Alison Garrett character. Jan Harrison played the part in her only big-screen role. She appeared on a number of TV shows, including several Western series in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
The film also stars a second female, Jana Davi, a half-breed banned from Victorio’s village because she isn’t trusted. She plays a big part in Thompson surviving his suicide mission.
And J. Ian Douglas plays Maj. Wharton, the stereotypical “the-only-good-Indian-is-a-dead-Indian” cavalry officer. Thompson is known as “Tomahawk” Thompson because of his ability with the weapon. Wharton forbids him from wearing it.
The film also benefits from a climatic attack on the cavalry fort. During a portion of that attack, the Indians are defending the fort walls while a relief column tries to battle its way inside.
Directed by:
Howard Koch
Ben Johnson … Capt. Tom Thompson
Jan Harrison … Alison Garrett
Kent Taylor … Col. James Garrett
Jana Davi … Chanzana
Peter Mamakos … Sgt. Kukas
Larry Chance … Victorio
J. Ian Douglas … Maj. Wharton
Jerry Frank … Capt. Maywood
Barbara Parry … Mrs. Maywood
Runtime: 80 min.

J. Ian Douglas as Maj. Wharton, an officer in favor of exterminating the Apache in Fort Bowie (1958)

Barbara Parry as Mrs. Maywood, worried about her husband’s (Jerry Frank) new assignment in Fort Bowie (1958)
Memorable lines:
Maj. Wharton: “This is my first patrol against hostile savages, captain. And I don’t intend to return to Fort Bowie without a trophy.”
Capt. Thompson: “Don’t explain to me, major. Save that for the ranchers and farmers. They’re the ones who will pay for this day’s work.”
Chanzana: “Chanzana is no more the woman of Victorio. He says to me, ‘Chanzana, you’ll live long in soldier’s camp. Your momma was Mexican. We do not trust you. Go. Stay with the soldiers.”
Capt. Thompson: “Seems to me you’re in a bad spot, lady. We don’t trust you either.”
Chanzana: “I’m good to look upon. My flesh is strong. My skin is smooth. I’d be good woman for you.”
Alison Garrett: “Is the man dead?”
Sgt. Kukas: “Oh, yeah. Deader than a doornail. Had his brains cooked over a slow fire. A favorite pasttime of the Indians.”
Alison Garrett, as the Indians show up: “What are they going to do?”
Capt. Thompson: “Indians are great jokers. Just in case this is one of their serious days, get in the of that wagon and stay down.”
Capt. Maywood, hearing Thompson’s assignment: “Sir, Victorio will chop Thompson to pieces and throw them at us.”
Capt. Thompson to Alison Garrett: “I’ve got a lot more faith in a good soldier than a hysterical woman.”

Kent Taylor as Col. James Garrett welcoming wife Alison (Jan Harrison) back from Tucson in Fort Bowie (1958)

Ben Johnson as Capt. Tom ‘Tomahawk’ Thompson and Peter Mamakos as Sgt. Kukas, captured by the Apache in Fort Bowie (1958)