George Montgomery is Capt. Jed Horn, a member of Rogers Rangers assigned the task of bringing reinforcements back to Maj. Rogers.
He quickly encounters two obstacles of the feminine form.
His sister, Bess Chesney, has been kidnapped by Indians and taken to Fort Ticonderoga where she and her sons are being held prisoner.
As it turns out, her husband has been spying for the French to protect his family; they were kidnapped when he stopped cooperating.
Then Capt. Horn saves Fortune Mallory (Joan Vohs) from an unthinkable fate at the hands of an Indian busy ripping her shirt off. But he suspects her of being a spy as well.
So he takes her to the home of a friend named Francois Leroy so she can work under his watchful eye. Leroy’s home is a supply depot of sorts for the Rangers.
It’s also the home of Leroy’s wife, Running Otter, though she’d prefer to be Horn’s woman.
Bess’ husband succeeds in convincing the French that British troops are advancing from wrong direction, but someone tips off the enemy about that supply depot, so it winds up under French control, with Horn’s ally, Running Otter and Fortune inside.
Meanwhile, Horn still intends to infiltrate Fort Ti, with Fortune’s help, so he can rescue his sister and her children.

Joan Vohs as Fortune Mallory, the pretty escapee from Fort Ti whom Capt. Horn isn’t sure he can trust in Fort Ti (1953)
The film features some decent French and Indian War skirmishes, though Sgt. Wash’s habit of pulling out his flask of liquor in the middle of every engagement is downright stupid.
The film suffers when Running Otter (played the Phyllis Fowler in her only acting credit) is on the screen. An orphaned Indian, she was saved by a man twice her age and married him, though her heart yearns for Capt. Horn and she doesn’t even pretend to hide those feelings from her husband.
The film also features lots of in-your-face action, with flaming torches, tomahawks, etc., thrown toward the movie screen. Guess what? It was filmed in 3D.
The worst: When the aforementioned Wash decides to take a swig from his canteen mid-skirmish and spits toward the camera when he’s attacked from behind by an Indian.

James Seay as Mark Chesney, asked to spy for the French after his family is captured in Fort Ti (1953)

Howard Petrie as Maj. Rogers and George Montgomery as Capt. Horn, snooping out of uniform in Fort Ti (1953)
Directed by:
William Castle
George Montgomery … Capt. Jed Horn
Joan Vohs … Fortune Mallory
Irving Bacon … Sgt. Wash
James Seay … Mark Chesney
Ben Aster … Francios Leroy
Phyllis Fowler … Running Otter
Howard Petrie … Maj. Rogers
Cicely Browne … Bess Chesney
Runtime: 72 min.

Phyllis Fowler as Running Otter, married to Francios Leroy but lusting after Capt. Jed Horn in Fort Ti (1953)
Memorable lines:
Capt. Horn to Fortune Mallory: “We don’t usually find women wandering around these woods.”
Fortune: “Sorry to upset you by not being a moose, but this is the way I was born.”
Governor: “Lord Amherst, can’t they dress like real soldiers instead of wearing these infernal green outfits?”
Capt. Horn: “Maybe we don’t look as pretty as your regulars, governor. Maybe we don’t get to take baths as often. But dressed like this in the forest, the Indians can’t see us.”
Sgt. Wash: “Even if they can smell us.”
Sgt. Wash, when they find Fortune and she complains of being half starved: “Here, take a swig of this. It’ll help you forget your appetite til we get back to camp.”
Fortune Mallory, sniffing the booze in his canteen: “Whew, that would make me forget even my name. I think I’ll wait for solid food.”
Capt. Horn to Fortune: “There’s death all over the forest. Men get used to living with it. Women don’t.”

Irving Bacon as Sgt. March and George Montgoermy as Capt. Horn, requesting reinforcements for Rogers Rangers in Fort Ti (1953)

Louis Merrill as Raoul de Moreau, trying to convince Mark Chesney (James Seay) to spy for the French in Fort Ti (1953)

Joan Vohs as Fortune Mallory after being rescued from the Indians by Capt. Jed Horn (George Montgomery) in Fort Ti (1953)

Phyllis Fowler as Running Otter, welcoming Capt. Jed Horn (George Montgomery) back after a four-month absence in Fort Ti (1953)

Joan Vohs as Fortune Mallory with Ben Astor as Francios Leroy watching Running Otter’s welcome for Capt. Horn in Fort Ti (1953)

George Montgomery as Capt. Jed Horn and Howard Petrie as Maj. Rogers, hoping the French fall for their ruse in Fort Ti (1953)