Tod Lohman (Don Murray) is a cowpoke looking for his father, who headed West years earlier, leaving him and his mother behind.
But he’s forced on the run after a scuffle that leaves Shorty Boyd, son of a powerful rancher, dead.
Shorty’s dad, Hunter (R.G. Armstrong), thinks Lohman murdered Shorty. Tod insists Shorty fell on his own knife.
But Hunter sends his men out to bring Lohman in. And his determination grows when a second son (Otis) is trampled when Lohman spooks a herd bearing down on him.
And Lohman subsequently wounds Boyd’s youngest son Tom (Dennis Hopper) when he tries to take matters into his own hands to prove himself to his father.
Lohman winds up getting a helping hand from another rancher named Amos Bradley (Chill Wills) and his oldest daughter, pretty Juanita (Diane Varsi).
He’ll also make a new friend in an Indian trader named Leffertfinger (Jay Flippen).

Don Murray as Tod Lohman, on a difficult trek to avoid Hunter Boyd and his men in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Diane Varsi as Juanita Bradley, sneaking a peek at the Bible handed down to Tom by his mother in From Hell to Texas (1958)
Better than average Western, with Murray as a deadly, but reluctant to kill cowboy whose promises his dying mother he’ll keep the Ten Commandments.
In one scene, he’s in a shootout with Hal Carmody, one of Boyd’s top men. Rather than kill him outright, Lohman fires at a rock precariously sitting way above Carmody, helping to topple it down on the man.
Of course, as the film comes to a climax, Lohman eventually decides to stop running and face his accusers.
Meanwhile, R.G. Armstong’s Hunter Boyd — a man who has let nothing stand in his way to build a cattle empire — can’t understand why everyone seems so eager to help the young cowboy with the gentle spirit.
This marked the only Western for Diane Varsi, who had made a Academy Award nominated splash in her film debut, “Peyton Place,” a year earlier. She’d soon retreat from the bright lights of Hollywood.

R.G. Armstrong as Hunter Boyd, determined to get even with Tod Lohman for two dead sons in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Dennis Hopper as Tom Boyd, bearing the wound from his first meeting with Tod Lohman in From Hell to Texas (1958)
Directed by:
Henry Hathaway
Don Murray … Tod Lohman
Diane Varsi … Juanita Bradley
Chill Wills … Amos Bradley
Dennis Hopper … Tom Boyd
R.G. Armstrong … Hunter Boyd
Jay Flippen … Jake Leffertfinger
John Larch … Hal Carmody
Margo … Mrs. Bradley
Ken Scott … Otis Boyd
Rodolfo Acosta … Bayliss
Salvador Baguez … Cardito
Harry Carey Jr. … Trueblood
Jerry Oddo … Morgan
Jose Torvay … Miguel
aka: The Hell-Bent Kid
Runtime: 100 min.

Chill Wills as Amos Bradley, the rancher who takes a liking to Tod Lohman in From Hell to Tesas (1958)

Jay Flippen as Jake Leffertfinger, the trader who helps Tod Lohman elude Boyd’s men in From Hell to Texas (1958)
Memorable lines:
Hunter Boyd to youngest son Tom Boyd after Lohman gets the better of him: “Instead of taking Miguel with you, you decided to play cat and mouse. And the mouse ate the cat.”
Juanita Bradley, when Tom Lohman explains that he’s trying to find his father: “He deserted your mother, and you’re gonna give him a hand? No wonder you’re in trouble, boy. You’re not very bright.”
Amos Bradley, about Juanita: “Tod, I got six daughters. This is my oldest. She’s the nearest thing I ever had to a boy. I put up with her. I’d take it kindly you could overlook her bad manners.”

John Larch as Hal Carmody, Hunter Boyd’s right-hand man, trying to ambush Tod Lohman in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Harry Carey Jr. as Trueblood and Jerry Oddo as Morgan, two of Boyd’s men on Lohman’s trail in From Hell to Texas (1958)
Tod Lohman: “Shorty fell on his knife. And that’s the Lord’s truth.”
Hunter Boyd: “Trouble is, no one saw it but the Lord. And he don’t talk to me.”
Jake Leffertfinger to Tod Lohman: “You sure do work hard at doing the wrong thing.”
Tod Lohman: “People don’t understand — killing sickens a man.”
Jack Leffertfinger: “A man’s got a right to convictions, I guess. The only thing is, they don’t help anybody, including himself, unless they fit the time and the place. Boy, this ain’t the time and the place.”

Don Murray as Tod Lohman, a young man trying his best to avoid killing while dealing with a vengeful cattle king in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Diane Varsi as Juanita Bradley, a tomboyish young woman smitten with Tod Lohman in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Rodolfo Acosta as Bayliss, one of the fast guns working for Hunter Boyd in From Hell to Texas (1948)

Margo as Mrs. Bradley, surrounding by her husband’s six daughters, including Juanita (Diane Varsi, left) in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Dennis Hopper as Tom Boyd and R.G. Armstrong as Hunter Boyd, closing in on their prey in From Hell to Texas (1958)

Don Murray as Tod Lohman, trying to figure out a way to slip past Boyd’s riders with the help of Juanita (Diane Varsi) and Amos Bradley (Chill Wills) in From Hell to Texas (1958)