Brad Owens is Gen. Judson Kilpatrick, a Union officer serving under Gen. Sherman during his March to the Sea late in the Civil War.
Jerry Chesser is Confederate cavalry Gen. Joseph Wheeler, doing his best to slow Sherman’s march into and through South Carolina.
The Rebel forces fail to stop Union forces at the Battle of Broxton Bridge, near the border of Georgia and South Carolina.
They have more success at the Battle of Aiken, pushing back Kilpatrick and his forces.
As for Kilpatrick and Wheeler, they’re old acquaintances. And the Union general would like nothing better than to see his Confederate counterpart dead.
In fact, he employs a scout named Masterson to determine Wheeler’s whereabouts in hopes of ambushing the Southern commander.
That will include trying to coerce information out of Mama Thorn, a South Carolina swamp witch.

Brad Owens as Gen. Kilpatrick, agreeing to meet with one resident of Barnwell for two minutes in Kill Cavalry (2021)

Jerry Chesser as Confederate Gen. Joseph Wheeler, visiting his family cemetery in Kill Cavalry (2021)
A rather aimless endeavor that runs a scant 70 minutes, minus credits. And about 20 of those minutes showcase unconvincing re-enactment footage.
It’s not the worst of the Christoper Forbes-directed Civil War dramas. It’s more on-point than, for instance, “The Burning of Atlanta” or “American Confederate.”
The film’s title is a nickname given Gen. Kilpatrick because his reckless style of command so often put his troops in danger.
But viewers won’t see examples of that. They will see a depiction of Kilpatrick as a lying son of a bitch, who at one moment will promise not to burn a reverend’s church and, in the next, order his men to do just that.
Oh, yeah, the film also has a definite pro-South slant. Not to mention a swamp witch who won’t betray Wheeler, but will help slaves find their way north via the underground railroad.

Charles Gabel as U.S. Maj. Maddox, receiving orders to burn the town of Barnwell in Kill Cavalry (2021)
Directed by:
Russell Dobson and
Christopher Forbes
Brad Owens … Gen. Judson Kilpatrick
Jerry Chesser .. Confederate Gen. Joseph Wheeler
Jezibell Anat … Mama Thorn
Joseph Zuchowski … Col. Peabody
Ryan Swank … Masterson
Melvin Stewart … Marcus
Wade Fulmer … Rev. Fuller
Russell Dobson … Confederate Sgt. Dobbs
Alan Cope … Confederate Cpl. Copeland
Charles Gabel … U.S. Maj. Maddox
Runtime: 81 min.

Russell Dobson as Confederate Sgt. Dobbs, vowing to help rebuild a church Union troops destroyed in Kill Cavalry (2021)
Memorable lines:
Masterson, a Union scout, of Confederate Gen. Wheeler’s whereabouts: “I imagine he’s with his troops right now.”
Gen. Judson Kilpatrick: “He could be with them. He could be one of ’em. He’s a slippery son of a bitch. He’s like a snake in the grass, Wheeler is. You stomp on him, you lift your boot and he’s not there anymore. He and his troops just slither away.”
Masterson: “So he could be anywhere?”
Union officer: “Boys, the name of this town is Barnwell. But, tonight, it’s Burn Well!”

Jezibell Anat as swamp witch Mama Thorn, refusing to disclose Wheeler’s whereabouts in Kill Cavalry (2021)

Wade Fulmer as Rev. Fuller, despondent that his church was burned despite promises to the contrary in Kill Cavalry (2021)

Melvin Stewart as Marcus, the former slave Moma Thorn helped escape via the undergruond railroad in Kill Cavalry (2021)