A band of Confederate cavalry led by Vance Reno (Richard Egan) raid a Union train and make off with a $12,00 army payroll, only to find the war has already ended.
The money was stolen for use by the Confederate government. With no government left to give the money to, Vance and his men decide to split it up as spoils of war.
When Vance and brothers Ray and Brett return home, Vance gets another surprise. His lady love (Debra Paget) has married his younger brother, Clint (Elvis Presley).
Vance tries his best to hide his feelings for Cathy and vice versa. But pretty soon, he comes to the conclusion that it’s impossible and makes plans to leave for California.
He’s on the verge of doing just that when a Union agent named Siringo (Robert Middleton) shows up, looking for the missing money.
And he’s got all sorts of evidence that at least part of it is in the hands of the Reno brothers.

Elvis Presley as Clint Reno, thrilled to see his brothers returning home from war in Love Me Tender (1956)

The Reno boys — James Drury as Ray, Richard Egan as Vance and William Campbell as Brett — on their way home in Love Me Tender (1956)
A well done Western that is better known than most because it marked the film debut of Elvis Presley. In fact, the film was originally titled “The Reno Brothers” until Elvis’ recording of “Love Me Tender” became such a bit hit, producers were prompted to change the name of the movie.
As an actor, Elvis holds his own. The scene where he jealously confronts — and starts to beat Cathy — over her feelings for her brother is particularly well done.
But the film’s success is just as much the result of solid performances from Egan, Paget and Neville Brand as a former rider with Reno’s raiders and the man who eggs Presley on toward a showdown with his elder brother. P
lus director Webb’s buildup to a tragic end that Egan’s character tries desperately to avoid. And, yep, that’s James Drury in an early role as another of the Reno brothers.
What’s more ill-fitting than Elvis as an actor are the two songs he performs at a church social, complete with hip twists and screaming girls.

Bruce Bennett as Maj. Kincaid and Robert Middleton as Mr. Siringo, looking for the men who stole an army payroll in Love Me Tender (1956)
Directed by:
Robert D. Webb
Richard Egan … Vance Reno
Debra Paget … Cathy Reno
Elvis Presley … Clint Reno
Robert Middleton … Mr. Siringo
William Campbell … Brett Reno
James Drury … Ray Reno
Neville Brand … Mike Gavin
Mildred Dunnock … Martha Reno
Bruce Bennett … Maj. Kincaid
Russ Conway … Ed Galt
Ken Clark … Mr. Kelso
Barry Coe … Mr. Davis
Runtime: 89 min.
Songs, all by Elvis:
“We’re Gonna Move”
“Love Me Tender”
“Let Me”
“Poor Boy”

Mildred Dunnock as Martha Reno, welcoming three sons home from the Civil War in Love Me Tender (1956)
Memorable lines:
One of Reno’s men, watching Vance count the money stolen from a Union payroll: “Ain’t that a beautiful sight. Make you feel like a sore-eyed kitten with a whole basin-load of milk.”
Mike Gavin, upon getting his split of the Union payroll: “Boy, wait til I get back to Georgia with this. I’m gonna buy me a hog, a dog and a rocking chair. And we’re all three just gonna sit there and scratch.”
Cathy Reno: “We don’t want you to go, Vance. This is your home. We all love you.”
Vance Reno: “A home can be full of too much love, Cathy. Then one night it burns up. And everybody in it.”

Richard Egan as Vance Reno with Cathy (Debra Paget) before learning of her marriage in Love Me Tender (1956)

James Drury as Ray Reno and William Campbell as Brett Reno, denying any knowledge of a payroll robbery in Love Me Tender (1956)

Debra Paget as Cathy Reno, trying to explain her marriage to Vance (Richard Egan) in Love Me Tender (1956)

Neville Brand as Mike Gaven and Elvis Presley as Clint Reno, pistols at the ready, in Love Me Tender (1956)

Debra Paget as Cathy Reno with Richard Egan as Vance Reno, as Union troops draw near in Love Me Tender (1956)