George Montgomery plays Bat Masterson, who finds himself trying to save a convicted man accused of killing an Army officer.
That man is Amos Merrick, beloved by the Indians, but hated by the cattle barons because he’d trade some of their grazing land for peace.
So they’ve framed him for murder, sentenced him to hang and, just to be sure he isn’t around, they wouldn’t mind killing him en route to Hayes City, where he’s to be executed.
Masterson fights to keep him alive with the help of an old ally Wyatt Earp (Bruce Cowling) and an uneasy alliance with Doc Holliday (James Griffith).
Nancy Gates provides the love interest as Merrick’s pretty daughter, Amy; William Henry is the mastermind behind the cattlemen’s plans in the role of Charlie Fry.

George Montgomery as Bat Masterson, trying to save a peacekeeper from hanging in Masterson of Kansas (1954)

James Griffith as Doc Holliday, a man with a grudge against Bat Masterson in Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Poorly filmed action sequences, in which our invincible heroes stand out in the open, firing away as villians instantly drop dead no matter how good their cover detracts from a film already burdened by an implausible plot.
And try not to laugh too hard when Bat and Doc are riding along, hear Indian war drums and immediately know the stage carrying Merrick to Hayes City is about to be attacked.
James Griffith has the best role as Doc Holliday, who’s only prone to kill when the cards turn against him and has trouble deciding whether he wants to help or gun down Masterson.
Bat, meanwhile, weaves a fanciful tale about how he got that name. Seems he liked to shoot bats when he was a youngster.
As for Nancy Gates, she’s probably best remembered by Western fans as the woman Randolph Scott rescues in “Comanche Station.” That marked her final feature film; this marked her first Western.
Jay Silverheels has a bit role as the Indian chief who vows to take Masterson’s life and proclaim war if Merrick dies.

Bruce Cowling as Wyatt Earp, trying to prevent a gunfight between his friends in Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Directed by:
William Castle
George Montgomery … Bat Masterson
James Griffith … Doc Holliday
Bruce Cowling … Wyatt Earp
Nancy Gates … Amy Merrick
John Maxwell … Merrick
William Henry … Charlie Fry
David Bruce … Clay Bennett
Jean Willes … Dallas Corey
Donald Murphy … Virgil Earp
Gregg Barton — Sutton
Gregg Martell … Mitch Connors
Sandy Sanders … Tyler
Jay Silverheels … Yellow Hawk
Benny Rubin … Coroner
Runtime: 73 min.

William Henry as Chalrie Fry and Gregg Barton as Sutton, two men behind the trouble in Masterson of Kansas (1954)

John Maxwell as Merrick, the peace keeper accused of murder and sentenced to hang in Masterson of Kansas (1954)
Memorable lines:
Virgil Earp: “Doc ain’t done no harm this trip. Not yet. Maybe he don’t mean to.”
Bat Masterson: “That’s like giving a rattlesnake the first bite. He’s a sick man, Virgil. Makes him mad to see anybody healthy. He’s a cold-blooded killer.”
Bat Masterson, as he and Doc prepare to draw, to Wyatt Earp: “This is between Doc and me.”
Wyatt Earp: “No it ain’t. I’m not going to watch my two best friends kill each other, even if I have to kill them myself.”
Merrick: “The Indians are people just like anyone else. They’re only savage when we make them that way.”
Judge: “I know you came a long way to be with your father, Miss Merrick. But one more word out of you and I’ll have to hold you in contempt of court.”
Amy Merrick: “You couldn’t hold me long enough to match the contempt I have for this court.”
Masterson: “Out here, Miss Merrick, a man in my boots is one of three things — hard, fast or dead.”
Doc Holliday: “To me, killing is a jinx. It breaks a winning streak, and right now, I’m on a winning streak.”

Donald Murphy as Virgil Earp, arguing against a showdown between Bat and Doc in Masterson of Kansas (1954)

George Montgomery as Bat Masterson, negotiating with Chief Yellow Hawk (Jay Silverheels) in Masterson of Kansas (1954)