Lorne Greene is Jonas Cord, majority owner in the Cord and Hartlee Firearms Co., and they’ve just made a $30,000 sale to the owner of a silver mine.
But they don’t get the money if the firearms and ammunition aren’t delivered. And their last two shipments never reached their destination.
Partner Frank Hartlee (Adam West) figures he has a solution for that: Hired guns, at the cost of $100 per man, led by Red Fickett (Warren Vanders).
Fickett responds with a large group of ruffians. Among them are Nevada Smith (Cliff Potts).
Years earlier, Cord took in a youngster named Max Sand and taught him how to survive in the West, including how to use a gun.
Max was a fine student. After all, he planned to hunt down the three men who killed his parents.
That mission completed, he’s responding to his old mentor’s call for help, under his new name.
But when the ammunition caravan sets out on its journey, Nevada Smith has disappeared.
Turns out, he’s decided to ride shotgun from afar. He doesn’t trust Fickett. He smells trouble.
After all, those guns and ammunition would fetch a much heftier price if sold to a buyer south of the border.

Cliff Potts as Nevada Smith, returning to help Jonas Cord, his former mentor, in Nevada Smith (1975)
Sooner or later, someone was bound to make a sequel to the 1966 film by the same name, starring Paul Newman.
You just had to hope that it was on a bigger budget and larger scale than this telefilm, with its scant 74-minute runtime.
This smells like a TV pilot for a series that wasn’t made, since it stars Lorne Green and came shortly after Bonanza ended its long run on NBC.
Lorne talks tougher than he acts in this outing, trying to convince a reluctant pupil to become his partner.
As for Potts, he dons a Clint Eastwood style poncho and looks no more like the half-breed he’s trying to portray that McQueen did. Though his friendship with the Indians works to his and his mentor’s advantage.
And, yep, the actor who plays Lorne Green’s partner is the same Adam West who starred as “Batman” from 1966 to 1968.

Warren Vanders as Red Fickett, the man who provides guns for hire to Jonas Cord in Nevada Smith (1975)

Adam West as Frank Hartlee, Jonas Cord’s partner in the arms and ammo business in Nevada Smith (1975)
Directed by:
Gordon Douglas
Cliff Potts … Nevada Smith
Lorne Greene … Jonas Cord
Adam West … Frank Hartlee
Warren Vanders … Red Fickett
Jorge Luke … Two Moon
Jerry Gatlin … Brill
Erik Cord … Davey
John McKee … McLane
Runtime: 75 min.

Jorge Luke as Two Moon, the Indian who agrees to help Nevada Smith guard the arms shipment in Nevada Smith (1975)

Warren Vanders as Red Fickett and Adam West as Frank Hartlee, pinned down with the arms and ammunition in Nevada Smith (1975)
Memorable lines:
Nevada Smith, after Fickett ruffians raid her home, but don’t molest her or her daughters: “I wouldn’t fret ma’am. It could have been a lot worse. Just be thankful they were only hungry.”
Jonas Cord to one of Fickett’s men: “You like killing?”
That man: “No.”
Cord: “You’re lying. But I can use you.”
Nevada Smith, as Cord tries to convince him to join the business: “I know the bigger a thing is, the harder it is to handle.”
Jonas Cord: “There’s a place for you in this. There’s so much here.”
Smith: “All I came here to do, Mr. Cord, is make a few dollars. Not to die rich.”

Cliff Potts as Nevada Smith, asking for the Indians’ help after Jonas Cord is wounded in Nevada Smith (1975)