Chris Northrup is No Name, Rich Ting is Davenport, and they’re buddies roaming the West collecting bounties on wanted men.
At least they collect the bounties when Dynamite leaves enough of the bodies intact that they can be identified as wanted men.
One night, they wind up in a cabin with an actor named John who offers them $12,000 if they’ll just help him escape the Army patrol that’s after him.
It’s a case of mistaken identity, he assures them.
They accept the $12,000, only to discover later than the man is John Wilkes Booth, wanted for killing the president of the United States.
There’s a reward of more than $50,000 on his head, but John’s now disappeared, spirited off by none other than Pearl (Natalie Burn), who’s been known to spend some time in No Name’s bed.
So No Name and Dynamite set off to reclaim the bounty they think should be rightfully theirs.
Of course, they might have some competition in that regard.

Chris Northrup as No Name, surprised with guns aimed everywhere in an encounter with a circus troupe in No Name and Dynamite (2022)

Rich Ting as Dynamite Davenport, sensing danger from another direction in No Name and Dynamite (2022)
It’s great to see a director try to recapture the magic of a Spaghetti Western.
And with the animated opening, the closeups and the sudden bursts of violence, Errol Sack is at least partly successful here.
Rich Ting makes for a fine, cigar-chomping Dynamite, always on the lookout for roasted peanuts. And Natalie Burn delivers a nice mix of crazy and spunk as the female lead.
But Chris Northrup sure could have used some Clint Eastwood charisma, not to mention a bit more grit, in the No Name role.
As for the plot, it meanders too much before taking root. And that ending … well, when the final credits rolled, I thought I’d missed the ending.
One scene you won’t want to miss comes when No Name, Dynamite and Pearl encounter a circus troupe. The surprises just keep on coming.
Errol Sack
Chris Northrup … No Name
Rich Ting … Dynamite Davenport
Natalie Burn … Pearl
Vernon Wells … Black Jack Bennett
James Chalke … Hoodoo Brown
Eli Cirino … John Wilkes Booth
Errol Sack … Taviano
Don Collier … Angus
Jack Lilley … Jack
Walter Scott … Tup
George Sack Jr. … Mack
Thomas Rosales Jr. … Barkeep
Patrick Gorman … Bond clerk
Fran Montano … Bently
Bonnie Morgan … Rubber Jane
Kacie Borrowman … Little Mary
Douglas Farrell … Little Bill
Joey Anaya … Sergio
Christopher Hiortdahl … Capt. Forbes
Runtime: 91 min.
No Name and Dynamite Davenport
No Name & Dynamite

Vernon Wells as Black Jack Bennett, one of the names on the bounty list in No Name and Dynamite (2022)
Memorable lines:
Dynamite: “I ain’t accustomed to shooting a woman, but I will.”
Pearl: “Well, well, well. A chivalrous gentleman, I see?”
Pearl, dragging about her gun skills: “I can hit an ant on a dog’s ass. At 300 yards.”
John Wilkes Booth, to our none-too-heroic trio: “I’m still dying here. In case you haven’t noticed.”
No Name: “Another lost one. Dead and not alive.”
Little Mary to Dynamite: “You’re gonna pay, you rotten son of a bitch. You killed my brother Little Bill. I’m Little Mary. You done messed with the wrong midget.” She pauses. “I mean, little person, you prick.”
Rubber Jane: “Hold yourself together and die like a man, pansy boy.”

Christopher Hiortdahl as Capt. Forbes, the officer hunting for John Wilkes Booth in No Name and Dynamite (2022)

Kacie Borrowman as Little Mary, getting the drop on Dynamite after he kills her brother in No Name and Dynamite (2022)

Rich Ting as Dynamite Davenport, presenting the bond clerk with the head of one of his bounties in No Name and Dynamite (2022)