Nick Bey is Jack, a bounty hunter wandering a post-apocalyptic wasteland for his prey.
He’s just completed one job for Betsy, leader of an all-girl gang, when she offers him another.
She wants his to track down Delilah Sorrow (Deena Ingley), who’s fled her gang in search for freedom and instead landed in another led by Sam Hell.
Delilah’s still trying to convince Sam Hell of her assets when she wanders off and is snatched by Jack.
But their journey back to Betsy won’t be an uneventful one.
Delilah isn’t excited about the prospect of a reunion with Betsy and threatens to kill Jack in the middle of the night.
Meanwhile, a blonde bounty woman known as Dollface is determined to steal Jack’s prey from him.
And Sam Hell has discovered the bounty poster for Delilah. And the handsome price on her head.

Nick Bey as Jack, making sure the girl in the distance is the girl on his wanted poster in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)

Deena Ingley as Delilah Sorrow, discussing assets with gang leader Sam Hell in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)
A simple story, well told, with no time for fat or subplots thanks to a brisk 52-minute runtime, including credits.
It works becausee Nick Bey and Denna Ingley turn in strong performances and show some real chemistry as they’re forced to overcome their differences and work together if they want to survive.
Director Conner Von Kutzing also serves up a great-looking little film. And the script comes across as gritty while avoiding the post-Deadwood tendency to have actors and actresses snarl at one another every time they open their mouths.

Bonne-Vejou Dorrell, leader of the gang Delilah Sorrow joins in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)

Clare Delong-Tuminez as Betsy, the gang leader Delilah Sorrow is fleeing from in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)
Directed by:
Conner Von Kutzing
Nick Bey … Jack
Deena Ingley … Delilah Sorrow
Bonne-Vejou Dorrell … Sam Hell
Keggan Hebert … Dante Black
Clare Delong-Tuminez … Betsy
Sarah Brink … Dollface
Betsy’s Crew: Devyn Grendell, Carolyn Hudson, Claire Idstrom, Theresa Simendinger
Sam Hell Gang: Rowwan Chappell, Hazel Wallin, Sean McLaughlin, Nicolas Queor, Alex Estrada
Runtime: 52 min.
“Hang Me, Oh Hang Me” by Jetty Rae

Sarah Brink as Dollface, determined to take Jack’s bounty from him in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)

Keggan Hebert as Dante Black, wary when a stranger drops by his camp site in Once Upon a Time in a Wasteland (2022)
Memorable lines:
Betsy, when Jack returns with the head of the man he was sent to hunt down: “Did you make him suffer?”
Jack: “He’s dead, isn’t he?”
Sam Hell: “You assured me you were good with that gun. That you’d be an asset to the company. But I haven’t seen you be any kind of asset. Besides scenery.”
Delilah Sorrow: “We haven’t run into any trouble yet, Sam. When we do, I’ll be sure to start shooting.” She points her rifle at him. “Less you want me to start now.”
Delilah Sorrow: “Only good men and fools bring in live bounties. Now you might be a fool. But I figure it’s just as likely you might be a decent man. Maybe not good. But decent.”

Deena Ingley as Delilah Sorrow, helping Jack out in a showdown with Dollface in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)

Nick Bey as Jack, wounded in the shoulder and making a rare request for help in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)
Jack, after being wounded in a shootout with Dollface: “I ain’t gonna make it on my own. Not like this.”
Delilah Sorrow: “Doesn’t sound too much like a Delilah problem.”
Delilah Sorrow: “Betsy only ever required us to know two things. Lucky for you, one of them was to know how to patch up bullet holes.”
Jack: “Oh, yeah. What was the other one?”
Delilah: “How to make ’em.”
Delilah, moving closer to Jack and the fireplace: “It’s cold. Jack.”
Jack: “It ain’t that cold.”

Nick Bey as Jack, being encouraged to keep pushing on in spite of his wound in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)

Deena Ingley as Delilah Sorrow, badly wounded but still fighting the bad guys in Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland (2022)