Rory Calhoun is Alec Longmire, a wandering gunfighter who runs across a kindred spirit in Bud Purvis. Except Purvis is a bit older, has been hiring out his gun for a bit longer and admits he has nothing to show for it.
Then they run into gun trouble in the town of Paseo. Purvis winds up with a bullet in his gut; Alec winds up making a promise, that he’ll change his gunfighting ways if he survives.
Next stop: Durango, where Longmire goes looking for a job, anxious to stay true to his word. But Sheriff Jade Murphy (Dean Jagger) is stuck in the middle of a range war and needs help in the form of a deputy who’s good with a gun.
Longmire agrees to pin on a badge. The fact that the sheriff has a very pretty daughter (Martha Hyer as Caroline) helps convince him.
On the other side is wanna-be cattle baron Rufus Henshaw (Robert Middleton), who hires his own gun, a reckless, cutthroat young man named Chet Swann (Grant Williams).

Dean Jagger as Sheriff Jade Murphy, trying to convince Alec Longmire (Rory Calhoun) to pin on a deputy’s badge in Red Sundown (1956)
Alec’s escape from a burning building near the beginning of the film is a bit far-fetched. Get past that and you’ve got yourself a neat little Western with a script that’s fresher than usual.
Grant Williams is especially effective as the ruthless young gunslinger who isn’t above carving up a middle-aged woman’s prize linen or smashing her best dishes to scare her and her husband off land Henshaw wants.
Hyer is doubtful of Alec’s reliability at first. After all, he wears two guns. She’s seen young gunman bought out from under father by Henshaw’s money before. Alec, of course, proves different, and, of course, she winds up falling for him.

Martha Hyer as Caroline Murphy, a sheriff’s daughter doubtful of Longmire’s loyalty in Red Sundown (1956)

James Millican as Bud Purvis, the aging gunman who makes Alec Longmire vow to change his ways in Red Sundown (1956)
Directed by:
Jack Arnold
Rory Calhoun … Alec Longmire
Martha Hyer … Caroline Murphy
Dean Jagger … Sheriff Jade Murphy
Robert Middleton … Rufus Henshaw
Grant Williams … Chet Swann
Lita Baron … Maria
James Millican … Bud Purvis
Trevor Bardette … Sam Baldwin
Leo Gordon … Rod Zellman
David Kasday … Hughie Clore
Title tune:
“Red Sundown” by Terry Gilkyson
Runtime: 81 min.
Memorable lines:
Sheriff Murphy, explaining the gila monster in a cage at the front of the saloon: “Harry here’s a good businessman. If a drunk staggers in, leans up against one of those cases, nine times out of 10, he’ll turn around and buy himself another drink.”
Alec Longmire, to two young boys, upon hearing one express an aspiration to become a fast gun: “Some of the best men I know can’t draw a lick. Some of the worst can outdraw me from here til Sunday.”
Alec Longmire, after having dinner with the Murphys: “You used your company dishes tonight, didn’t you?”
Caroline Murphy: “Dad wants to impress you with the advantages of home life. I’m supposed to be an added attraction. I’m afraid I haven’t done too well.”
Longmire: “You’ve about scared me off. What’s the matter? Do I have two heads?”
Caroline: “No. Two guns.”
Chet Swann to Alec Longmire: “You know, I don’t know what you have against gunfighters. You got to have gunfighters. Wouldn’t be right not to. It’s be like not having rattlers in the desert.”

Trevor Bardette as Sam Baldwin, one of the leaders of the small ranchers, standing up to Henshaw in Red Sundown (1956)

Lita Baron as Maria, the abused girlfirend of Rufus Henshaw, with Alec Longmire (Rory Calhoun) in Red Sundown (1956)