John Castellanos plays Jack Barnett, an outlaw desperate to find the $400,000 in gold he and his gang made off with before he was caught and sent to prison for five years.
He’s convinced former gang member Travis Jones knows the location of that gold. So convinced, he winds up killing the now reformed Jones and his wife when Travis refuses to fess up.
That, of course, lands him in trouble again, and he winds up in Sheriff Link’s Uvalde jail, facing a date with a judge and, then, a hangman’s noose.
Funny thing about this hanging — Barnett survives. And since the judge sentenced him to hang — not to hang until dead — he can’t be hanged a second time.
He returns to Uvalde proclaiming to be a changed and saved man.
Link suspects differently. Pretty soon, his skepticism proves well founded.
Barnett joins forces with another old friend named Pick Randall, a whore named Lila and the aforementioned judge in a new search for that lost gold … one that might lead to an insane asylum.

John Castellanos as Jack Barnett, questioning a former gang member about the location of a fortune in gold in Return of the Outlaws (2009)
When your plot revolves around a villain who was hanged but didn’t die, a sheriff’s wife who walks around rocking an imaginary baby after a miscarriage and a “rainman” type who’s expected to remember how to open a safe in an insane asylum because he saw it done once … well, you might be knee deep in buffalo patties.
To their credit, the actors and actresses in the lead roles try their best. Castellanos makes for a suitably dastardly bad guy.
But their efforts are foiled by a plot that goes off in strange tangents — the corrupt judge also likes to beat whores, for instance — and Uvalde extras who have no business uttering a word of dialogue in a film ever again.
The scriptwriters resisted a twist that would have had the sheriff stumbling upon the bandits’ plot when his wife is sent to the very same asylum … or perhaps they didn’t think of it. Clearly, little emphasis was put on proper lighting either, because the cinematography here is pretty bad.
Just call this the reunion of soap opera actors. Four male leads — Lorenzo Lamas, John Castellanos, J. Eddie Peck and Corbin Timbrook — all appeared in “The Young and the Restless” or “The Bold and the Beautiful” or both. Peck also has the distinction of being the only actor to play a recurring role on nighttime soaps “Dynasty” and “Dallas” in the same season.
Directed by:
Chuck Walker
John Castellanos … Jack Barnett
Corbin Timbrook … Sheriff Link Jefferson
Mindy Dudek … Hannah Jefferson
Lorenzo Lamas … Cole
J. Eddie Peck .. Pick Randall
Michael Gregory … Judge Harrold
Mark Hayter … Scotty (former asylum inmate)
Samantha Lockwood … Lila (Barnett’s girl)
Kim Waltrip … Sally Warren
Peter Sherayko … Doc Warren
Al Hayter … Travis Jones
Mexican Gold
Score: Bert Cross
Runtime: 94 min.

Mark Hayter as Scotty, the former asylum inmate who’s supposed to break into the safe in Return of the Outlaws (2009)

Michael Gregory as Judge Haarrold, the jude who gets involved in a plan to steal gold in Return of the Outlaws (2009)
Memorable lines:
Jack Barnett to Travis Jones: “I’m going to give you one more chance to tell me the truth, then I’m going to start shooting you. First in the leg, then in the other leg. Then in each foot, one at a time. Each arm. Each hand. Hell, I got lots of bullets.”
Pick Randall: “I heard you was dead.”
Jack Barnett: “Well, I was, for a little bit. Now I’m back.”
Pick: “You always did heal quick.”
Lila: “Is there a place where even a whore can be something different?”
Jack Barnett: “Oh, honey, you’ve already found that place. Right here, in my heart.”
Pick Randall: “I don’t want to be some old man pissin’ in my pants. I’m gonna go out fast and I’m gonna go out in a blaze of glory.”
Judge: “Think he’s dead?”
Pick Randall: “No, judge, he’s just takin’ a nap in the middle of the trail.”
Pick walks up to the body. “Hey, you dead?”

Mindy Dudek as Hannah Jefferson, the sheriff’s wife, with orphan Timmy (Shane Ryan Savage) in Return of the Outlaws (2009)

Lorenzo Lamas as Cole, a prisoner providing Sheriff Link Jefferson (Corbin Timbrook) information about the gold in Return of the Outlaws (2009)

Eduardo Enriquez Jr. as Frank Kilgore, trying to cut in on a gold robbery in Return of the Outlaws (2009)

Cliff Miller as Charles Updike, the writer who’s supposed to share Jack Barnett’s story in Return of the Outlaws (2009)

Peter Sherayko as Doc Warren, the man in charge of the insane asylum in Return of the Outlaws (2009)

Terry Mann as Dr. Perkins with Sheriff Link Jefferson (Corbin Timbrook) in Return of the Outlaws (2009)