Sean Connery is Shalako, a frontiersman sent to roust a hunting party of European dignitaries out of Apache territory.
They’re breaking the treaty by being there. More importantly, the Apache are on the warpath.
He rescues lovely Irina Lazaar (Brigitte Bardot) from the Indians, then rides off to get help after leaving the hunting party prepared for an impending Indian attack.
Well, that attack comes. And when it’s over, hunting party guide Bosky Fulton (Stephen Boyd) gathers up his men, all the food, all the water and all the ammunition and heads off, leaving his hunting party clients behind.
All that is, except for Julia Daggett (Honor Blackman), who figures her chances of survival are better with Fulton then with her much older husband.
Shalako returns to find a much whittled down hunting party ready to follow his orders as he tries to guide them out of danger against long odds.
You see, it isn’t only the hunting party the Apache want.
A chief named Chato (Woody Strode) has a personal interest in seeing Shalako dead.
Sean Connery made this film while on a break from James Bond duty and it’s a different enough Western to be interesting. Of course, the presence of the always fetching Bardot helps. Her accent’s a bit thick, but she lights up the screen with her smile. It’s just a shame the ending is so trite.
Perhaps the most interesting female role is that of Lady Daggett, whose only other Western was the 1971 Dean Martin film “Something Big.” Certainly her death is one of the most memorable in a Western. Caught by the Apache, she’s being pushed from one to another as they tear away her clothing. Then one of the Indians forces a cherished necklace down her throat until she chokes on it.
This marked the next to last film for Peter van Eyck, who plays the leader of the hunting party and a man who’d like to marry Irina. He would die just a year later at age 57 of septicemia.
Directed by:
Edward Dmytryk
Sean Connery … Shalako Carlin
Brigitte Bardot … Irina Lazaar
Stephen Boyd … Bosky Fulton
Jack Hawkins … Sir Charles Daggett
Peter van Eyck … Baron Von Hallstatt
Honor Blackman … Julia Daggett
Woody Strode … Chato
Eric Sykes … Mako
Alexander Knox … Sen. Henry Clarke
Valerie French … Elena Clarke
Julian Mateos … Rojas
Don “Red” Barry … Buffalo
Hans De Vries … Hans
Title tune: “Shalako”
Runtime: 113 min.

Honor Blackman as Julia Daggett, insisting someone keep an eye out for the countess as her husband Charles (Jack Hawkins) looks on in Shalako (1968)
Memorable lines:
Shalako, as the Apache close in: “Act like a countess.”
Countess Irina: “What does that mean?”
Shalako: “Don’t faint.”
Baron Von Hallstatt: “We’re an authorized hunting party.”
Shalako: “You’re a pack of whites breaking a treaty.”
The Baron: “A treaty? With savages?”
Shalako: “Yeah, we’ve broken lots of them in the past. But this one, I helped make.”
Irina Lazaar: “You don’t like us very much, do you?”
Shalako: “No. You’re trouble. Stone, dumb, useless trouble. But you … well, you’re too beautiful to die.”
Irina Lazaar, to Shalako, as her guide lies propped on an Indian spear: “Why don’t you help him?”
The guide: “Maam, I’m dead.” Whereupon he impales himself the rest of the way on the spear.
Shalako, trying to make love to Irina: “What if I took what I wanted?”
Irina: “I would kill you?”
Shalako: “At least I’d die happy.”
Irina: “If there was no hope there would be no problem. But you have given us hope.”
Shalako: “Would it help my case if I told you there is none.”
Irina: “You’d be lying. Wouldn’t you?”
Shalako: “Unfortunately, yes. But not by much.”
Irina, after the worn-out, horseless party has reached a plateau: “Dinner is served, gentlemen.”
Shalako: “I hope the wine’s chilled properly.”

Sean Connery as Shalako Carlin, making sure a colleague stays quiet as Apaches pass nearby in Shalako (1968)

Brigitte Bardot as Irina Lazaar, ready to defend herself as the Apache draw closer in Shalako (1968)

Don ‘Red’ Barry as Buffalo, a member of the hunting party who aligns himself with Shalako in Shalako (1968)

Eric Sykes as Mako (center), fearing the liquid refreshment he’s serving isn’t properly chilled in Shalako (1968)

Honor Blackman as Julia Daggett, trying to arrange a marriage between Baron Von Hallstatt and Countess Irina in Shalako (1968)

Sean Connery as Shalako Carlin, talking to Countess Irina about available men and available women in Shalako (1968)

Brigitte Bardot as Irina Lazaar, bagging her first big cat on the hunting expedition in Shalako (1968)

Brigitte Bardot as Countess Irina, Don ‘Red’ Barry as Buffalo and Peter van Eyck as Baron Von Hallstatt, watching the Apache fall back in Shalako (1968)

Brigitte Bardot as Irina Lazaar covering her body when Shalako (Sean Connery) catches her bathing in Shalako (1968)

Sean Connery as Shalako and Brigitte Bardot as Irina Lazaar, surrounded by Apache warriors in Shalako (1968)
Interesting that this was shot in Almeria at the same time as ‘Play Dirty’ and ‘Cemetery Without Crosses”. There’s pics about showing the casts having evening meals together.
Michael Caine swore, after ‘Dirty’, he would NEVER make another film there. Don’t understand his problem.