Jock Mahoney is Hughie Mack, an egotistical and smooth-talking singer for a country and western band.
Film publicity woman Clover Doyle (Julie Adams) spots him at a farewell party for a Western star and begins to think he might make a suitable replacement.
Once Hughie learns how much he can make as a Western star, he stops flirting with Clover and dedicates himself to the task at hand, which begins with learning how to ride a horse.
Flash forward a few months, and Globe Studios has a new Western star on its hands.
Part of Clover’s job is not letting the public see that star’s warts, because the newly named Slim Carter hasn’t exactly changed his ways. The constant presence of curvy blonde Charlene Carroll is one reminder of that.
To help improve his image, Clover organizes a Meet Slim Carter contest for the star’s youngest fans.
Leo Gallagher (Tim Hovey), an orphan from back East, wins. As part of his prize, he’ll stay with Slim at his ranch for a month, accompanied by Clover Doyle.

Jock Mahoney as Slim Carter, getting serious with Leo Gallagher, one of his biggest fans, in Slim Carter (1957)
A charming little film in spite of its predictability and occasional sappiness.
Mahoney turns in one of his best Western performances as a cad who slowly begins to change his ways once he sees himself through the eyes of an admiring young orphan.
Julie Adams plays the daughter of a former Western film star, looking for a man she can admire just as much as she admired him. Slim frequently disappoints in that regard.
And Joanna Moore does a nice job in a smaller role as Slim’s blonde playmate, enjoying his lifestyle and hoping proximity to him will help launch her own career.
Hovey appeared in just a handful of films, but was also cast alongside Mahoney in 1958’s “Money, Women and Guns.” According to IMDb, he went on to become a road manager for the Grateful Dead. He committed suicide by drug overdose in 1989 at age 44.

Tim Hovey as Leo Gallagher, the young orphan who wins the Meet Slim Carter contest in Slim Carter (1957)
Directed by:
Richard Bartlett
Jock Mahoney … Slim Carter aka Hughie Mack
Julie Adams … Clover Doyle
Tim Hovey … Leo Gallagher
William Hopper … Joe Brewster
Ben Johnson … Montana Burriss
Joanna Moore … Charlene Carroll
Walter Reed … Richard L. Howard
Magaret Field … Hat Check Girl
Bill Williams … Frank Hanneman
Barbara Hale … Allie Hanneman
Runtime: 82 min.

Ben Johnson as Montana Burriss, Slim Carter’s stunt double on his Western films in Slim Carter (1957)

William Hopper as director Joe Brewster, conferring with Clover Doyle (Julie Adams) after screening Slim’s first move in Slim Carter (1957)
Memorable lines:
Clover Doyle, introducing herself to Hughie Mack: “I’m with Globe Studios. Have you ever been in pictures?”
Hughie Mack, laughing: “Now that’s a new twist. When did chicks start using that line on fellas?”
Montana Burriss, watching Hughie arrives for his first day of training in a fancy car wearing a gold suit: “Good luck, honey. Looks like you got yourself a wild one.”
Slim Carter, when he learns the winner of a Meet Slim Carter contest will be staying at his ranch for a month: “What do you do? Sit up at nights just thinkin’ of ways to make me miserable?”
Charlene Carroll: “If you ask me, I think she’s jealous.”
Clover Doyle: “Hughie Mack is all yours, Charlene. But you lay those claws on Slim Carter and you’ll have me to deal with.”

Jock Mahoney as Slim Carter, the playboy who becomes a Western movie star under Clover Doyle’s guidance in Slim Carter (1957)

Bill Williams as film cameraman Frank Hanneman with wife Allie (Barbara Hale) a former film star in Slim Carter (1958)

Walter Reed as Richard Howard, the producer who decides to take a chance on Slim Carter in Slim Carter (1957)

Jock Mahoney as Slim Carter, wondering whether Clover Doyle (Julie Adams) will let any man love her in Slim Carter (1957)