George Montgomery is Major Frank Archer, a cavalry commander sent to a fort in Oregon where the troops have been frustrated by the Rogue River Indians under Chief Mike.
He finds a demoralized bunch of soldiers, badly in need of discipline. One bright spot is frontiersman Stacey Wyatt (Richard Denning) and his volunteers. They’ve been fighting side by side with the troopers, helping save them from annihilation.
But no more than Archer hatches a plan to outwit Chief Mike than new orders come from the East, asking him to seek a peaceful settlement with the Indians. He secures an uneasy truce, with one side pledging to stay on each side of the river.
That peace is short-lived. Because for some reason a troop of soldiers under command of one of Archer’s most experienced sergeants crosses the river and attacks the Indian village. Archer isn’t sure why, but he knows what it means: All-out war with Chief Mike.

George Montgomery as Maj. Frank Archer, sent to deal with Chief Mike and his troublesome tribe in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)

Michael Granger as Chief Mike, leader of the Rogue River Indians in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)
In an early scene, Archer has his men fire a cannon at a tree, knocking it down. Indians hiding in the trees hop onto their horses and flee as fast as possible, telling Chief Mike that soldiers have arrived with a gun so big it can shoot down entire forests.
That’s just a sample of the silliness to come. In fact, director William Castle and company serve up another big dose with an improbable ending.
In between, we learn that white civilians who would benefit if Oregon doesn’t become a state are responsible for stirring up the hostilities.And Montgomery spends lots of time sparring with pretty Brett McClain (Martha Hyer), who falls for him, of course.
Not one of Montgomery’s best.

Martha Hyer as Brett McClain, getting her first glimpse of the new post commander Maj. Archer in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)

Richard Denning as Stacey Wyatt, signing up irregulars in exchange for a kiss from Brett McClain in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)
Directed by:
William Castle
George Montgomery … Maj. Frank Archer
Martha Hyer … Brett McClain
Richard Denning … Stacey Wyatt
Michael Granger … Chief Mike
Emory Parnell … Sgt. McClain
John Crawford … Capt. Hillman
Willis Bouchey … Maj. Wallach
Freeman Morse … Private Reed
Charles Evans … Matt Parish
Lee Roberts … Lt. Keith Ryan
Frank Sully … Private Kohler
Runtime: 71 min.

Charles Evans as Matt Paris, pledging support for Stacey Wyatt’s militia in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)

Willis Bouchey as Maj. Wallach, relieved of his command because of his inability to quell the Indian uprising in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)
Memorable lines:
Archer, to a fellow officer who saves his life: “Thanks. For a second there, my back was as bare as a baby’s bottom.”
Chief Mike to Archer: “I have heard of your great rifles which knock down trees. But guns which can shoot through mountains are beyond belief.”
Chief Mike to Archer: “You have made the crooked tongue speak straight.”
Chief Mike to Archer, after killing Stacey Wyatt: “He’s guilty by your law. He’s dead by our law.”

Emory Parnell as Sgt. McClain with his daughter Brett (Martha Hyer) in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)

George Montgomery as Maj. Frank Archer, watching for hostile Indians with a fellow officer in The Battle of Rogue River (1954)