David A. Lockhart plays Mortimer, a bounty hunter in search of a big payday.
He figures his best chance for striking it rich is by bringing in Brother Wolf (Rick Mora), an Indian wanted for killing and mutilating a young white woman.
And, since Brother Wolf clearly has a thing for young white women, Mortimer decides his best chance of accomplishing his mission is by buying a pretty young blonde named Rhiannon (Camielle Montgomery) from a flesh trader and staking her out as bait.
Turns out all three of them will soon have a bigger problem on their hands. Miners trying to strike it rich have hauled a strange rock back to town. And when they try to crack it open, it emits odd spores that turns everyone around into flesh-eating zombies.
Only by working together will Mortimer, Brother Wolf and Rhiannon survive.

David A. Lockhart as Mortimer, looking for Brother Wolf and the biggest bounty available in The Dead and the Damned (2011)

Camielle Montgomery as Rhiannon, the girl Mortimer purchases in Whiskeytown in The Dead and the Damned (2011)
There’s a bit or irony at play in the plot. Brother Wolf never committed the crime he’s accused of, but the man trying to track him down needs the bounty money because he stole a young girl’s innocence, leaving her in the family way. There’s also an unexpected twist at the end.
Other than that, this is your standard cowboy-zombie film — and there have been several by now, haven’t there? Our main characters run or fight for their lives. And the zombies keep appearing.
Beware, director Perez followed this up with 2013’s “Alien Showdown: The Day the Old West Stood Still.”
Directed by:
Rene Perez
David A. Lockhart … Mortimer
Camielle Montgomery … Rhiannon
Rick Mora … Brother Wolf
Robert Amstler … The German
Autumn Harrison … Lucinda
Colin Hussey … Salesman
Heather Montanez … Elizabeth
Mary Pauline … Rosemary
James Edward Tolbert … Hoss
Randall Marshall Dillion … Jebediah
Runtime: 82 min.
Cowboys vs. Zombies

Randall Marshall Dillion as Jebediah, stealing a peek at a partner’s girl in The Dead and the Damned (2011)
Memorable lines:
Old-Timer, looking at the glowing green rock two men have wheeled into town in a barrel: “What is it?”
Hoss: “I don’t know. But I found it over by the scorched part of the forrest. I think it might be the reason nothing grows there.”
Old-Timer: “If it poisons the trees, what makes you think it’s not going to poison us?”
Townsman: “We ain’t trees, you idiot?”
Hoss: “Could be emeralds. Could be better.”
Moments later, everyone discovers it isn’t.
Mortimer, after the Brother Wolf and Camielle have been sprayed with zombie blood: “You smell like shit.”
Brother Wolf: “We should clean off. This is bad medicine.”
Mortimer: “Not before we put miles between us and these …. things.”