Jimmie Rodgers is Chad, a likeable young mountain boy who finds himself homeless when four members of the Lawson family die of illness in a month’s time.
Cruel neighbor Nathan Dillon figures to take on as a bond servant to pay off the debt he was owed by the Lawsons.
But the Turners intervene on his behalf, offering the “catch colt” a new home in the Kingdom Come region.
Chad finds happiness there, growing especially fond of Caleb Turner, who shares his thirst for books and learning, and of pretty young Melissa (Luana Patten).
Yet he yearns for something more. And when the Turners travel to the Kentucky blue grass country to sell their lumber, Chad stays behind.
His plan is to deliver mail for a living, enroll in a local college and find his place in the world.
He finds a place in the heart of aging Major Buford (Chill Wills), who comes to look upon the youngster as the son he never had.
He also finds a place in the heart of pretty Margaret Dean (Linda Hutchings), a plantation owner’s daughter, though questions about Chad’s parentage cloud the future of that relationship.
Then everyone’s world is turned upside down when the Civil War erupts. Major Buford quickly joins Morgan’s Raiders, a Confederate cavalry regiment, figuring Chad will do the same.
But the young boy’s heart lies with the mountain folk he grew up with, and he enlists in the Northern army instead.

Jimmie Rodgers as Chad, about to show off his shooting skill in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

Luana Patten as Melissa Turner, the mountain girl who falls for Chad in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)
Entertaining family film that overcomes a rather wooden performance by Jimmie Rodgers in the lead role with a heart-warming story.
Luana Patten is more impressive as the young mountain girl Chad leaves behind with tears in her eyes.
And Chill Wills is admirably restrained considering some of his over-the-top Western performances.
This also marked the film debut of George Kennedy, though he’d previously appeared in a number of TV shows.
This was actually the third filming of a 1903 John Fox Jr. novel of the same name. Silent versions were released in 1920 and 1928, starring Jack Pickford and Richard Barthelmess, respectively.

Robert Dix as Caleb Turner, who becomes Chad’s idol of sorts in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

George Kennedy as Nathan Dillon, the man who wants Chad as his bond servant in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)
Directed by:
Andrew McLaglen
Jimmie Rodgers … Chad
Luana Patten … Melissa Turner
Chill Wills … Maj. Buford
Linda Hutchings … Margaret Dean
Robert Dix … Caleb Turner
George Kennedy … Nathan Dillon
Ken Miller … Reuben Turner
Neil Hamilton … Gen. Dean
Edward Faulkner … Capt. Richard Dean
Russ Bender … Col. Jackson
Morris Ankrum … Gen. Lew Wallace
Nelson Leigh … Mr. Turner
Shirley O’Hara … Mrs. Turner
Lane Chandler … Sheriff
Lois January … Mrs. Dean
Runtime: 108 min.
“When Love is Young”
“The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come”

Chill Wills as Major Buford and Edward Faulkner as Capt. Richard Dean in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

Jimmie Rodgers as Chad with Linda Hutchings as Margaret Dean, the southern belle he falls for in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)
Memorable lines:
Melissa Turner: “A mountain gal’s pretty time is short, they say.”
Chad: “If they stay sweet, like your ma and like Mrs. Lawson .. you’ll always be beautiful to me, Melissa.”
Caleb Turner: “You all right, boy?”
Chad: “Well, I got a few bees buzzing around in my head. But I’ve heard ’em before.”
Chad: “When I first came to the bluegrass, I had an idea that if I became educated, I’d find out who I am. But I’m beginning to understand it’s what you do that matters, not who you are.”
Maj. Buford: “For a while, it was like having a son. A real son. Goodbye, Chad. I pray to God we never met again.”

Jimmy Rodgers as Chad, returning home wearing the Union blue in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

Nelson Leigh as Mr. Turner, father of the family that takes Chad in in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

Lane Chandler as the sheriff of Kingdom Come, who takes a quick liking to Chad in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)

Jimmie Rodgers as Chad with Luana Patten as Melissa Turner, talking about their future in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (1961)