Peggie Castle is Kate Masters, a female with a deadly aim who’s turned her talent into a living as an entertainer.
Dan Corbin is pretty good with a gun, too. He displays his talents to win a job on cattle king Jud Ivers’ ranch.
But their presence makes some folks nervous.
Why would a big-name performer like Kate Masters perform in a small Western cowtown?
And why does a quick gun like Dan Corbin need a job nursing cows?
The nervous include Big Mike, the local saloon owner with a secret in his past.
And Ben Ivers, the gone-bad son of Jud, who’s on the run from the law with $50,000 in his saddlebags.
Well, it turns out Kate Masters’ real name is Karen Marshall. When she was a young girl, the Ivers killed her mother and father and burned down their ranch.
As for Corbin, he’s not who he’s pretending to be either.

Peggy Castle as Kate Masters, remembering the long ago day her parents were killed in Two-Gun Lady (1955)

William Talman as Dan Corbin, a man with a secret reason for wanting to work for Jud Ivers in Two-Gun Lady (1955)
Off-beat Western winds up seeming just weird. Earle Lyon goes over the top with his performance as a trigger-happy killer. At one point, he kills his sister’s pet lamb because it won’t keep quiet. At another, he turns his gun on his own girlfriend (Marie Windsor as Bess).
Then there’s the character of Jud Ivers. He lost the use of his shooting arm in a gunfight; now he likes to pit other gunmen against one another and watch them in action.
In this case, he sets his top gun (Gruber) against Corbin, his new hire. Some top gun. Twice he tries to dry gulch Corbin. Both times, he misses the mark. He’s not even within the voyeuristic view of his boss.
Oh, and naturally the marshal and the two-gun lady — their aim being the same — fall for one another as well. Pure camp.

Earle Lyon as Ben Ivers, Jud’s youngest son, hot-headed, fast with a six-gun and in trouble with the law in Two-Gun Lady (1955)
Directed by:
Richard Bartlett
Peggie Castle … Kate Masters
William Talman … Dan Corbin
Marie Windsor … Bess
Earle Lyon … Ben Ivers
Ian MacDonald … Jud Ivers
Robert Lowery … Big Mike
Joe Besser … Doc McGinnis
Barbara Turner … Jenny Ivers
Kit Carson … Pete
Norman Jolley … Gruber
Earl Hansen … Earl
Runtime: 70 min.

Robert Lowery as Big Mike, a saloon owner jealous over Bess’s lingering feelings for reckless young Ben Ivers in Two-Gun Lady (1955)

Ian MacDonald as Jud Ivers, a cattle king with the odd habit of pitting fast guns against one another in Two-Gun Lady (1955)
Memorable lines:
Jud’s hired gun Gruber, to Dan Corbin: “We don’t like showoffs around here. We got a hill outside town planted with meddlers like you. I’m talking to you, showoff.”
Kate Masters: “A fast gun is always challenged, even when it’s in the hand of a lady.”
Jenny Ivers: “Pa likes gunfights. He likes to start ‘em. Can’t shoot anymore himself on account of his bad arm, but he likes to see other people do it.”
Jud Ivers: “After a spell you could be safe here, Ben … There’s plenty on this range, and it’s all for you boy. Why do you do it? Why don’t you stay home where you belong?”
Ben Ivers, his son: “Ah, shut up.” Then he pulls a gun.

Barbara Turner as Jenny Ivers, the youngest child of Jud Ivers, ruler of the roost in Two-Gun Lady (1955)

Joe Besser as Doc McGinnis, unsure if he revealed the secret of why Kate Masters (Peggie Castle) is performing in a small Western town in Two-Gun Lady (1955)

Norman Jolley as Gruber, the fastest of Jud Ivers’ guns, until Dan Corbin comes along in Two-Gun Lady (1955)

Peggy Castle as Kate Masters, ignoring Dan Corbin’s warning about the danger she faces in Two-Gun Lady (1955)