Chantelle Albers is Alice and Hanna James is Nora, two whores chased out of town by the Women’s Decency League.
They aim to start fresh elsewhere. Alice figures it might be time for a change of professions.
Nora isn’t so certain about that. She’s pretty pleased with her ability to turn a cowboy’s head.
Then they come across a wounded bounty hunter named Elden Gallup (Cam Gigandet), who’s been ambushed by the outlaw he’s after.
The women smell a chance to get the money needed for those fresh starts.
So they nurse Gallup’s wounded, then decide to help him track down Gila Grimes in return for half the $2,000 bounty on the outlaw’s head.
It won’t be easy. Grimes is equipped with a large range rifle. And when he realizes he’s still being hunted, he’ll try to ambush his trackers again.

Chantelle Albers as Alice, making the transition from whore to bounty hunter in Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)
Well, the budget was a bit bigger than many 21st century Westerns. There was enough money for a stagecoach. And a wagon. Not to mention a handful of horses.
Maybe they should have traded all that for a better script. Because after a promising start, nothing clicks very well, especially after the sinners leave town and are forced to carry the film along with our bounty hunter.
Cam Gigandet should retire his six-shooter after this performance. As for the leading ladies, they try their best, but are asked to pull off way too many sex jokes.
Alice wants to open a restaurant. She plans to name it the Horny Toad. Nora goes skinny dipping with Elden. She reaches underwater and jokes that she found Elden’s gun. Ugh!
The film is better when old-timers Buck Taylor, Luce Rains and Robert Woods — yep, the former Spaghetti Western star — are on screen playing poker while listening to chants of “no more whores” outside the saloon.

Cam Gigandet as Elden Gallup, accepting the assistance of the sinners in Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)
Directed by:
Raleigh Wilson
Cam Gigandet … Elden Gallup
Chantelle Albers … Alice
Hannah James … Nora
Cord Newman … Gila Grimes
Buck Taylor … Sheriff Cletus
David Midthunder … Lobo
Luce Rains … Zek Daniels
Mohamed Karim … Tripp Walker
Richard Gabai … Skyler Weston
Robert Woods … Brock Jaspers
Chip Mefford … Dobbs
Steve Floersheim … Mayor Clive McHainey
Keith Meriweather … Zeb Decker
Sabrina Stewart … Millie McHainey
Felipe Orozco … Juan Jimenez
Wyatt Mortenson … Deputy Jeb Clancy
Runtime: 92 min.

Buck Taylor as Sheriff Cletus, imagining how lonely Saturday nights are going to be without Nora and Alice around in Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)
Memorable lines:
Zek Daniels, listening to the anti-whore protestors outside the slaoon: “You know, it ain’t right. Them folks makin’ all that fuss over a man gettin’ a poke. In my experience, that’s exactly what a man and woman were made for.”
Sheriff Cletus, after catching Nora squatting under the mayor’s desk, which prompts the mayor’s wife to faint: “Mayor, put your pants on. I’m gonna need some help gettin’ up your wife. She ain’t exactly underfed.”
Nora: “Cowboys are so easy.”
Alice: “Yep, that’s what got us into this predicament as I recall.”
Nora: “Ain’t no man ever kept his word to a whore.”
Nora, having suffered a potentially fatal wound: “At least I get to go out with a bang.”
Alice, as they close in on Gila Grimes: “You got a plan?”
Elden Gallup: “I’m formulatin’ one.”

Hannah Jones as Nora (right) explaining to Alice (Chantelle Albers) how she came to speak Apache in Two SInners and a Mule (2023)

Hannah James as Nora, wondering whether Alice has romanced the bounty man in Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)

Chantelle Albers as Alice, explaining how she became so handy with a gun in Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)

Hannah Jones as Nora and Chantelle Albers as Alice spotting a band of Comancheros in Two Sinners and a Mule (2023)