Somewhere out West, a masked killer dressed all in black is terrorizing the countryside.
He’s claimed five victims so far, leaving a white flower near each of their bodies.
The locals sheriffs, led by Sheriff Hoffman, gather to come up with a plan on stopping the murders.
In the meantime, they decide to crack down on a variety of law-breakers in an attempt to calm the nerves of nearby residents.
Hoffman comes up with a plan to pin the murders on the wrong man, in hopes that doing so will trick the guilty man into making a mistake.
Meanwhile, the urgency find the man responsible grows, especially after the killer wounds Sheriff Matthew Bilford and murders the son of Sheriff Randall.

Sheriff Hoffman, taking a stern stance with a woman who demands release of a prisoner in Unforgiven True Grit (2023)
A Western directed and starring Clint East and co-starring an actress named Sofia Vergara? And one which borrows its name from two classic films?
Sounds intriguing, right?
Well, not so fast pardner.
This is an oddly disjointed Spanish-speaking film with way too many characters, way too little character development and far too many tangents.
A horse race. A harsh lesson for a man who beats his wife. A Cherokee who’s not welcome in a saloon because of the color of his skin.
Viewers are treated to all of that. But they’re unlikely to be shocked when the true killer is finally revealed in this murder mystery of a Western.

Sheriff Randall, dealing with two young guns causing problems in the saloon in Unforgiven True Grit (2023)
Directed by:
Clint East
Clint East … Sheriff Hoffman
Raven Lopez … Joe
Sofia Vergara … Linda
Marco Will
Ernet Lago
Runtime: 81 min.

Marlon, Sheriff Randall’s son, reacting to a suspicious sound in the night in Unforgiven True Grit (2023)
Memorable lines:
Young gun: “Nothing has happened here. We have only defended a defenseless man.”
Sheriff Randall: “That’s my saloon. These are my streets. I’m the one who will say whether something happened of not.”
Second young gun: “We are just passing through. We don’t want any trouble.”
Sheriff Randall: “Passing through? On the way to death!”
Sheriff Randall, to pinned down men in a saloon: “Even if I have to stay here for 10 days, your ass will never shit again!”
Sheriff Hoffman: “Lately, flowers have been catching my attention.”

Linda, demanding that Sheriff Hoffman release her banker father from jail in Unforgiven True Grit (2023)