Author: Mark Franklin
Mickey Rourke plays Graff, a former Confederate officer won’t can’t come to face the fact that the war is over and leads a band of renegades to hit to …
Brad Johnson is Charlie Siringo, a lawman who goes undercover to capture the vicious Wade Lewis, leader of a Comancheros band that’s been dealing guns and liquor to the …
Lea Thompson plays Amy Hightower, a young frontier woman who knows she’s dying of cancer and knows her husband will never be able to run their homestead on his …
Real-life story of Bill Tilghman, a lawman who rode with the Earps, helped hunt down countless bad men, then decided to make accurate silent film versions showing outlaws as …
Ben Mortley plays Leon Murphey, a former solder who finds a bounty on his head and turns himself in because he fears for his family’s safety. Turns out those …
A rancher and his wife are brutally murdered near the town of Cold Water. The only witness, Etta Taylor (Christina Hindriksen), swears they were butchered by none other than …
Franco Franchi is Franco Trinita and Ciccio Ingrassia is his brother Ciccio Trinita. They’re sons of Trinity, a famous gunfighter who died when they were young. These days, they’re …
Charles Southwood is Alan Burton, who hitches a ride on a stage to San Antonio that quickly comes under attack. A former Confederate major riding on the stage is …
Fernando Sancho is Col. Michel Leblanche, a military officer during Maximilian’s rule in Mexico, and he has a growing list of problems. He just lost some prisoners thanks to …
Gianni Garko is Brian Clarke, a former Rebel soldier whose wife is killed and his home burned by Union vigilantes shortly after he returns from the Civil War. He’s …