Eddie Rodgers is Wade Hampton III, a wealthy southern plantation owner who joins the Confederate Army with his two sons at the start of the Civil War.
In fact, he uses his wealth to finance Hampton’s Legion. And he quickly becomes a respected commander, helping lead Rebel troops at First Bull Run and Antietam.
He also advocates on behalf of nurse Mary Wilkins, whose services are threatened when Jefferson Davis declares that all Southern military hospitals be under military command.
Hampton’s response: First, lobby Gen. Longstreet, then the president himself to secure a commission for Wilkins as a captain in the Confederate Army.
But tragedy strikes in late 1864 at the Battle of Burgess Mill. Hampton’s son Peyton is killed, his other son Wade seriously wounded in the engagement.

Jezibelle Anat as Mary Wilkins, a nurse who winds up with a captain’s commission in the Confederate Army in Hampton’s Legion (2021)
Watch a Union commander throw a conniption fit as an entire unit walks off the field in the middle of the First Bull Run.
Watch a Confederate commander throw a tantrum because a nurse delays treating a scratch on his hand to help a gut-shot Rebel soldier.
And watch the star of the film, Eddie Rodgers as Gen. Hampton, ask a wounded Union soldier his name and get mad when he answers.
The unintentional laughs keeps coming, right down to the appearance of a ghost who scares Hampton out of his late-war Christmas doldrums in this unbelievably bad Civil War biopic.
Worse yet, the film is a complete failure as a biography. It doesn’t even explain why or how Hampton became a celebrated military leader.
And it ends in December 1864, before the war did and before Hampton began a controversial post-war political career.
Viewers will get to see Hampton repeatedly peering through his binoculars at a couple dozen Civil War re-enactors unconvincingly recreating major battles.

Jerry Chesser as a Rebel sergeant major, frustrated by the wait at the military hospital in Hampton’s Legion (2021)

Joseph Zuchowski as a Union officer at Bull Run, frustrated by the fog of war in Hampton’s Legion (2021)
Directed by:
Christopher Forbes
Eddie Rodgers … Wade Hampton III
Jezibell Anat … Mary Wilkins
Christine Williams … Christine, nurse’s assistant
Jerry Cheeser … Confederate sergeant major
Russell Dodson … Confederate captain
Daniel Dodson … Wade Hampton IV
Phillip Lemieux … Confederate doctor
William Wylie … Gen. Longstreet
Kelly Hagens-Swart … Mary Hampton
Gunner Bridgers … Young Wade Hampton
Kelly Forbes … Hampton’s housekeeper Sarah Baker
James Arnold Foster … Wade Hampton’s father
Joe Cook … Preston Hampton, Wade’s son
Melvin Stewart … Nathaniel
Joseph Zuchowski … Union officer
Runtime: 81 min.

Daniel Dodson as Wade Hampton IV, telling his dad about raids behind Union lines in Hampton’s Legion (2021)
Memorable lines:
Wade’s dad in 1821, speaking of his slaves: “You gotta learn how to treat these folks. Put the fear in them. Don’t worry. I’ll teach you.”
Wade Hampton, to his men: “I want you to be tough as nails. I want you to strong as steel. I want you to go out there and I want you to kill some Yankees.”
Union colonel: “Did you find out why that company of our infantry just walked off the field (of battle)?”
Union major: “Heard tell they were headed back to Washington. General direction anyway.”
Colonel: “Washington? That’s over 20 miles from here. It would be so lovely of them to inform us of thier destination.”
Union captain: “I don’t think they care anymore.”
Colonel: “This is desertion. I want their officer and everybody … ah … ah.”
A bullet strikes his elbow.
Nurse as a Confederate officer dismounts, his right hand covered in blood: “Good afternoon, sergeant major. How may I help you?”
Christine, the nurse’s assistant: “So who did you see today that tickled your fancy?”
Mary, the head nurse: “You mean a man?”
Christine: “Of course, I mean men. So many fine specimens passed through here today.”
Mary: “Spoken like the school teacher you are, Christine.”

Melvin Stewart as Nathaniel, the slave who gets a young Wade Hampton III to promise to treat slaves better than his father in Hampton’s Legion (2021)

Gunner Bridgers as young Wade Hampton III, sympathizing with a slave who’s been beaten by Wade’s dad in Hampton’s Legion (2021)