The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap (1947)

The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap (1947) posterBud Abbott and Lou Costello are Duke Egan and Chester Wooley, a pair of salesmen bound for California and making a stop in Wagon Gap, where they hope to earn a few quick dollars.

But Wagon Gap is a wild town, they’re warned. So wild, the stagecoach won’t even travel within three miles of town. So the pair buy a couple of six-shooters and head on their way.

Sure enough, they find themselves involved in a street brawl and gunfight no sooner than they hit town. Chester fires his gun in the air, and a Mr. Hawkins falls dead. Next thing he knows, he’s on trial for murder.

Wagon Gap has a funny way of dealing with killers. Instead of being sentenced to hang, the man who did the killing is responsible for the dead man’s death and for taking care of his family. Hawkins, of course, had tons of debt. He also had a rather homely wife (Marjorie Main) and a whole passel of young ones.

So Chester works the Hawkins family farm to support Mrs. Hawkins and her kids. He works at the local saloon to pay off a debt to the owner, who’s also suspected of being behind a series of stage holdups. Finally, exhausted from all the work, he discovers a way around all the work. He can be town sheriff, because no one would want to kill him and assume the same debts and responsibilities.

Rating 4 of 6Review:

If you like Abbott and Costello, you’re probably going to enjoy this stop out West by the comedy team. The film is full of sight gags and legitimately funny moments.

There’s also an interesting twist at the end that turns the tables on our hero. Suddenly the photo he’s been showing everyone of Mrs. Hawkins and her kids as a form of protection isn’t much protection anymore.

William Ching plays Jim Simpson, the man trying to get to the bottom of all the stage holdups and who has the briliant idea to make Chester sheriff. Audrey Young plays pretty Juanita Hawkins, the widow’s oldest daughter. She has naughty notions, like singing in a saloon, the widow is hoping Chester can tame. In real life, she was Mrs. Billy Wilder for more than 50 years.

Lou Costello as Chester Wooley and Marjorie Main as Widow Hawkins in "The Wistful Widow of Wagon Gap" (1947)Directed by:
Charles Barton

Bud Abbott … Duke Egan
Lou Costello … Chester Wooley
Marjorie Main … Widow Hawkins
Audrey Young … Juanita Hawkins
George Cleveland … Judge Benbow
Gordon Jones … Jake Frame
William Ching … Jim Simpson
Peter Thompson … Phil
Bill Clauson … Matt Hawkins
Bill O’Leary … Billy Hawkins
Pamela Wells … Sarah Hawkins
Jimmy Bates … Jefferson Hawkins
Paul Dunn … Lincoln Hawkins
Diane Florentine … Sally Hawkins
Rex Lease … Hank

Runtime: 73 min.

Memorable lines:

Opening credit: “Montana — in the days when men were men — with two exceptions.”

Widow Hawkins: “It’s time you were dressed. There’s the water to be drawn, the cow to be milked, the chicken coop to be fixed, the fence whitewashed …
Chester: “I’ll get the children up to help me.”
The widow: “Don’t you dare. After all, you’re not their father Mr. Wooley. Or has your heart softened (toward marriage)?”
Chester, tapping his chest to check: “No ma’am.”
The widow: “Then get to work. The North 40 needs plowing. The harness needs sewing. The fence needs fixing. The butter needs churning.”
Chester: “If I do all that work today, I’ll have nothing to do tomorrow.”
The widow: “Don’t worry. I’ll think of something. That is unless you’ve reconsidered my offer of marriage.”
Chester: “Mrs. Hawkins, marriage is nothing but a three-ring circus. First the engagement ring, then the wedding ring, and then suffering.”

Duke Egan: “That’s a $20 gold piece. Chester, we’re on our way. We’ll ride that $20 gold piece all the way to California.”
Chester: “Isn’t it a little small for both of us to sit on?”

Chester: “I’m smart. I’ve got brains I ain’t even used yet.”
Frame: “Well don’t let them go to your head.”

Simpson, pinning a badge on Wooley: “There you are, Chester. Now you can take your place with the famous sheriffs of the West.”
Chester: “What didn’t you hire one of them.”
Simpson: “They’re all dead.”

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